DBSLS Previous Speakers


  • Zachary Knight, PhD
    University of California San Francisco
    Howard Hughes Medical Institutes
    "Neural mechanisms that control appetite."


  • Zhijian 'James' Chen, PhD
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    Howard Hughes Medical Institutes
    "The enemy within - how does the immune system detect DNA as a danger signal from the interior of a cell?"
  • Beth Stevens, PhD
    Harvard Medical School
    Howard Hughes Medical Institutes
    "Mapping Microglia States to Function in Development & Disease"
  • Charles S. Zuker, PhD
    Columbia's Zuckerman Institute
    "The Body-Brain Axis: From Sugare and Fat to Immunity"
  • Carrie Bearden, PhD
    University of California, Los Angeles
    "Pathways to Psychosis in Clinical and Genetic High Risk Youth"


  • Chuan He, PhD
    University of Chicago
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    “RNA Methylation in Gene Expression Regulation”
  • Paul Bieniasz, PhD
    The Rockefeller University
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    "Antibodies versus SARS-CoV-2: Resisting Resistance"
  • William Hersh, MD, FACMI, FAMIA, FACP
    Oregon Health & Science University School Medicine
    "Translational Artificial Intelligence; The Need to Translate From Basic Science to Clinical Value"


  • Lin Tian, PhD
    University of California
    Davis School of Medicine
    "Watching the Brain in Action: Creating Tools for Functional Analysis of Neural Circuitry"
  • Akiko Iwasaki, PhD
    Yale University
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    "Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2"
  • Yi Zhang, PhD
    Harvard Medical School
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    "Transcriptional Regulation: From Preimplantation to Innate Immunity"


  • Vamsi Mootha, MD
    Harvard Medical School
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    "Hypoxia as a Therapy for Mitochondrial Disease"
  • Christopher Walsh, MD, PhD
    Harvard Medical School
    Children's Hospital Boston
    "One Braine, Many Genomes: Somatic Mutation and Genomic Diversity in the Human Brain from Development to Degeneration"
  • Pascale Cossart, PhD
    Institut Pasteur
    Académie des sciences
    "Infection Biology in the Era of Microbiomes: The Listeria Paradigm"


  • Gökhan Hotamisligil, MD, PhD
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    "The Metabolic Biology of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Health and Disease"
  • Judith Campisi, PhD
    Buck Institute for Research on Aging
    "Cancer and Aging: Rival Demons"
  • Jeffrey Friedman, MD, PhD 
    The Rockefeller University
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    "Leptin and the Homeostatic Control of Food Intake and Body Weight"
  • Dana Carroll, PhD
    Huntsman Cancer Institute
    "Genome Editing: A View from the Edge"


  • Mitchell A. Lazar, MD, PhD
    University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
    "The Ups and Downs of Transcriptional Regulation of Metabolism"
  • Douglas Lowy, MD
    National Cancer Institute, NIH
    "Global Control of HPV-associated Cancers by Vaccination and Screening"
  • Eva Nogales, PhD
    HHMI & University of California Berkeley
    "Visualizing the molecular machinery in transcription initiation by cryo-EM"
  • Susan Amara, PhD
    National Institute of Mental Health, NIH
    "Dyamic regulation of signaling pathways in dopamine neurons: the intracellular actions of amphetamines"
  • Lily Jan, PhD
    HHMI & University of California San Francisco
    "The Enigmatic TMEM16 Family"


  • James McNamara, MD
    Duke University School of Medicine
    "Neurotrophin Signaling and Epileptogenesis: Mechanistic and Therapeutic Insights"
  • C. Ronald Kahn, MD
    Harvard Medical School
    "Plasticity of Adipose Tissue and Its Communication in Metabolic Diseases"
  • Roger Kornberg, PhD
    2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    "The Molecular Basis of Eukaryotic Transcription"
  • Paul Ridker, MD, MPH
    Harvard Medical School
    "Inflammation and Atherosclerosis: From Population Biology to the Bench to a Novel Treatment"
  • Duojia Pan, PhD
    HHMI and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    "Hippo signaling in growth control and beyond"


  • Wendell Lim, PhD
    HHMI and University of California San Francisco
    "Synthetic Biology: Learning to Talk to and Program Cells"
  • Robert Lefkowitz, MD
    2012 Nobel Memorial Prize in Chemistry
    Duke University School of Medicine
    "Seven Transmembrane Receptors"
  • Barbara Kahn, MD
    Harvard Medical School
    "Discovery of a Novel Class of Mammalian Lipids with Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects"
  • Christine Seidman, MD
    HHMI and Harvard Medical School
    "Genetics of Cardiomyopathy: Getting to the Heart of the Matter"
  • Doris Tsao, PhD
    HHMI and California Institute of Technology
    "Face Perception: A Window into Visual Object Representation"


  • Alvin Roth, PhD
    2012 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
    Stanford University
    "Market Design and Medical Marketplaces" 
  • Gail Mandel, PhD
    HHMI and Oregon Health and Science University
    "Repressor Mechanisms and Pathways to Disease
  • Keith Yamamoto, PhD
    University of California San Francisco
    "Molecular Signal Processing: From a Steroid Hormone, to Transcriptional Regulatory Networks, to Physiology and Disease, and Back"  
    "A NextGen Science Enterprise to Move Beyond the Inflection Point"
  • Angelika Amon, PhD
    HHMI and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    "The Causes and Consequences of Aneuploidy"


  • Steven McKnight, PhD
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    "A Solid State Conceptualization of Information Transfer from Gene to Message to Protein" 
  • Ardem Patapoutian, PhD
    The Scripps Research Institute and Novartis Research Foundation
    "How Do You Feel? Ion Channels Involved in Sensing Mechanical Force" 
  • Evan Eichler, PhD
    HHMI and University of Washington
    "Autism: New Mutations, Genes and Pathways Indentify Subtypes" 
  • Marc Montminy, MD, PhD
    Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    "Can You Hear Me Now? Role of the CREB Pathway in Glucose Metabolism"
  • Eric Olson, PhD
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    "The Molecular Pathways of Muscle Development, Disease and Regeneration" 
  • Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD
    Cleveland Clinic
    "Gut Microbes as a Participant in and Therapteutic Targe for Cardiometabolic Diseases"


  • Charles Esmon, PhD
    Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
    "The role of the protein C pathway and histones in the control of coagulation and inflammation"
  • Kristi Anseth, PhD
    University of Colorado Boulder
    "Hydrogels as Mimics of the Extracellular Matrix: Applications in Cell Biology and Tissue Regeneration"
  • Beth Levine, MD
    University Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    "Autophagy: Regulation, Physiological Functions, and Roles in Disease"
  • Carolyn Bertozzi, PhD
    University of California Berkeley
    "Bioorthogonal Chemistry: From Mechanism to Chemistry"
  • Samuel Silverstein, MD
    Columbia University
    "A critical Concentration of effector leukocytes is required to produce sterilizing immunity vs. bacterial and viral infection and cancer"
  • David Perlmutter, MD
    University of Pittsburgh
    "The Role of Autophagy in Diseases Caused by Misfolded Proteins: Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency as Prototype"


  • Gregory Petsko, DPhil
    Weill Cornell Medical College
    "Specific Inhibition of Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Parkinson's Disease"
  • James N. Weinstein, DO, MS
    Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health Care System
    Lebanon Spine Center
    "Creating a Sustainable Health Care System: Are You Ready?"
  • Susan Dymecki, MD, PhD
    Harvard Medical School
    "Toward Decoding the Brain Serotonergic System: Intersectional Genetics and Functional Probing"
  • Helen H. Hobbs, MD
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    "Nature, Nurture and Fatty Liver Disease"
  • Stuart A. Lipton, MD, PhD
    Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute
    "Protein S-Nitrosylation, Redox Stress and NMDA Receptors in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases"


  • C. Ronald Kahn, MD
    Harvard University
    "Role of Diabetes in Control of Brain Cholesterol Metabolism and Function"
  • David E. Clapham, MD, PhD
    Harvard University
    "Novel Ion Channels"
  • Jay C. Dunlap, PhD
    Dartmouth University
    "Genetic and Molecular Dissection of a Simple Circadian System"
  • Beverly S. Mitchell, MD
    Stanford University
    "Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes Revisted: Therapeutic Implications"
  • Michael Good, MBBS, PhD, MD, DSc
    Griffith University
    "The Long Road to a Malaria Vaccine"
  • Stephen M. Strittmatter, MD, PhD
    Yale University
    "Cell Surface Interactions during Neurodegeneration and Neural Repair"


  • Peter C. Doherty, PhD
    University of Melbourne, Australia
    "Killer Viruses & Killer T-Cells"
  • Nathaniel Heintz, PhD
    The Rockefeller University
    "Genetic Dissection of the Mouse Nervous System: Toward a 21st Century Brain Pharmacology"
  • Erin O'Shea, PhD
    Harvard University
    "Oscillations and Entrainment in a Three-Protein Circadian Clock"
  • Toren Finkel, MD, PhD
    National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    "Oxidants, Metabolism & Stem Cell Biology"
  • Fred H. Gage, PhD
    Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    "Neuroplasticity & Neurodiversity"
  • Harald zur Hausen, MD, DSc, MDs
    German Cancer Research Centre
    2008 Nobel Prize Recipient in Physiology or Medicine
    "Perspectives of Tumorvirus Research"


  • Randy N. Rosier, MD, PhD
    University of Rochester
    "Translational Research Journeys: From Bedside to the Bench in Skeletal Repair and Arthritis"
  • E. Peter Greenberg, PhD
    University of Washington
    "The Social Life of Bacteria"
  • Pietro DeCamilli, MD
    Yale University
    "Moelcular Mechanisms of Endocytosis"
  • C. David Allis, PhD
    The Rockefeller University
    "Beyond the Double Helix: Reading and Writing the Histone Code"
  • I. Sadaf Farooqi, PhD, FRCP
    University of Cambridge
    "Genetic, Molecular & Physiological Mechanisms Involved in Human Obesity"
  • Harry "Hal" Dietz, MD
    Johns Hopkins University
    "Marfan Syndrome & Related Disorders: From Molecules to Medicines"
  • Deepak Srivistava, MD
    University of California, San Francisco
    "Genetics and Stem Cell Biology in Heart Disease"
  • Hollis "Holly" Cline, PhD
    Scripps Research Institute
    "Building Brain Circuits"