Campus Offices
Environmental Health and Safety
Controlled Substances in Research guidelines - Investigators who use federally controlled substances in multiple locations need a license PER location. Please view the guidelines for more information.
Lab access requests should be submitted by email to ccom-access by a trusted access requester.
Labs requesting a room reservation for meetings should email the ccom-reservations inbox.
Facilities Management (UI) Work Control
FM at Your Service portal
Laboratory Resources
CCOM Laboratory Surplus
The Office of Research and Office of Facilities Management and Planning are making unwanted laboratory equipment, supplies and furniture available to occupants in Carver College of Medicine buildings prior to removal by University Surplus. Please contact the Office of Research if interested in possible surplus solutions for your needs or to advertise surplus items in your department. Due to limited storage capacity, items will be available for a limited time. To request addition to the mailing list, please contact
CCOM Shared Laboratory Equipment
The CCOM Facilities Office provides and maintains shared laboratory equipment to support research activities in interdisciplinary research space. This equipment includes autoclaves, laboratory glassware washers, film developers and ice machines (PBDB only). Autoclaves are located in buildings BRSF, CBRB, EMRB, MERF, ML, and PBDB; glassware washers in CBRB, EMRB, MERF, and PBDB; and film developers in MERF, ML, and PBDB. Questions should be directed to CCOM Facilities regarding access and use of the equipment. The Office of Research encourages the safe use of equipment through trainings by experts and will coordinate training workshops upon request.
- View the training presentation for Consolidated autoclaves here.
- View Autoclaving Guidelines by the Environmental Health and Safety office.
- Download replacement Autoclave Sign-In pages for the clipboards here.