ACB Seminar Schedule 2024

Anatomy and Cell Biology Departmental Seminar

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, 11:00pm to 12:00pm  MERF 2117


Tate Neff

Title:  "Regulation and Expression of an Insulin Secretion-Enhancing Micropeptide in Diabetes Mellitus"

Mentor: Ling Yang


Fan Shao


Fan Shao

Title:  "Transcriptional programs of Pitx2 and Tfap2a/Tfap2b controlling lineage specification of mandibular epithelium during tooth initiation"

Mentor: Cao Lab

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, 11:00pm to 12:00pm  MERF 2117

Matthew Kennedy

University of  Colorado

Title: "New approaches for investigating and manipulating the molecular organization of neuronal synapses"

Host:  Andy Frank