Celebrating Our 2018-2019 Making a Difference Awards

The first component of the Department of Anesthesia’s tripartite mission is to provide exceptional patient care, and each of us strives to fulfill that mission every day. But we also strive to exceed expectations, and when we do, we celebrate those extra efforts with Making a Difference Awards. For the 2018-2019 academic year, our faculty, trainees, CRNAs, and staff again raised the bar for exceptional patient care. Read on to find out how:


Mina Alfi, MD

Mina Alfi, MD

A patient shared her experience with Alfi, a CA-1 at the time: “I recently had a Gastric Bypass and Hernia Repair surgery done. I was very nervous as I was preparing going into surgery, as you can imagine. While all of the staff was professional, the anesthesiologist that came in to put the IV in (and had to use an ultrasound because of my veins!) and took me down to surgery was absolutely wonderful! Dr. Mina Alfi could tell that I was very nervous, and he was wonderfully calm and relaxing. He took the time to answer my questions in an unhurried manner, and had a nice smile on his face as he reassured me that everything would go well that day and discussed how things would go. He then took me down to the surgical area, side‐tracking me by discussing an upcoming trip I have. Then he introduced me to everyone in the surgery room when we arrived, helping to make it a more relaxed and calm atmosphere, making me feel like I already knew someone in the room, so that I was a little less intimidated before beginning surgery. In short, he was everything a great doctor should be!”

Jarrod Bang, MD

Jarrod Bang, MD

Bang, a CA-1 at the time, discovered a pericardial tamponade on TEE during a pacemaker lead extraction, alerted the surgeons who performed an emergent pericardiocentesis and saved the patient after much resuscitation.

Deborah Chudzik, former Clinical Department Administrator

Chudzik spearheaded Iowa's first and only multidisciplinary program designed to help children and young adults from birth to age 21 with chronic pain. “Behind the scenes, she worked tirelessly to connect the five different UIHC clinical departments in order to offer this comprehensive, holistic, and individualized approach to patients,” her nominator wrote.

“While many administrators provide assistance with budget, billing, scheduling and staffing, Deborah provided much more. She focused on professional development and team building early on and therefore the five clinical providers quickly developed into a high functioning team.”

Jennifer Coreas, CRNA

Jennifer Coreas, CRNA

Coreas received a Making a Difference Award for her work in Stead Family Children’s Hospital operating rooms. “Her kindness and positive attitude help ease patients’ uncertainty when going into surgery and comforts the families,” her nominator wrote. “The staff are always happy to see when she is on a case, as she is always professional, reliable, friendly, and easy to work with.”

Deborah Dehring, MD

Deborah Dehring, MD, and the Anesthesia Pre-Surgery Evaluation Team

Dehring and the rest of the anesthesia clinic are “extremely helpful and courteous every time I call to review patient's questions or to help with scheduling,” their nominator wrote. “They are always cheerful and ready to answer the multiple questions I have. I can't express enough how awesome this team is. They truly make a difference for every patient they help to squeeze in as an add-on in their already overstuffed clinic. My appreciation for this team is overflowing with gratitude! They are AMAZING!!!!!”

Yasser El-Hattab, MB ChB, MSc

Yasser El-Hattab, MB ChB, MSc

A patient called the hospital after surgery and "wanted to share how wonderful her experience was. She noted she felt well taken care of throughout her entire experience,” his nominator wrote. “She felt the nurses were especially wonderful and she felt it was a huge blessing to have had so many kind people caring for her. She also shared her anesthesiologist was a hoot and made her feel very comfortable."

Brad Hindman

Brad Hindman, MD

A patient needed emergency surgery to repair a bowel perforation. She had never been under general anesthesia before and was quite nervous. Hindman "could see that I was starting to panic as we got closer to starting the procedure," the patient wrote. "When I was given the anesthesia, he told me to take deep, calm breaths. He told me exactly what I would be hearing and feeling as I started to drift off. I can't explain the comfort this brought me. Dr. Hindman even came to see me in my hospital room once I was awake and recovering from surgery."

Andrew Miller, CRNA

Miller stayed with a difficult patient in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit at Stead Family Children’s Hospital after their surgical procedure. The patient had many complications and Andrew stayed bedside with the nurse until the patient was safely admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, two hours after his scheduled shift ended. “This is my patient,” Miller said. “I will leave when he is in proper care.” He did everything he could to make this patient as comfortable as possible and was a tremendous help for the nurses and the patient. He is a great asset to the Anesthesia team.

Jonathan Otten, MD

Jonathan Otten, MD

Otten, chief resident and graduating CA-3, received a Making a Difference Award for his exceptional care of a patient in pain – “all the while with a smiling face, good attitude, and great communication with the patient, family, and me,” his nominator wrote. “Jonathan could see the patient’s pain was intolerable and quickly ordered a one-time dose of IV pain medication. He also followed up with his staff, came back to the unit to give a bolus via the block, and used ultrasound to be sure the placement of the catheter was still good. Jonathan took this patient on and was willing to do whatever it took to make sure the patient was made comfortable.”

Sarah Titler, MD

Sarah Titler, MD

Titler came down to the Emergency Department to talk with a patient who was having a very difficult time with imaging. “Dr. Titler was so calm and comforting to her during her MRI/plain films,” her nominator wrote. “She literately got into the scanner with her to keep her calm. Dr. Titler made it possible to get everything done. This is going way above and beyond, and did not go unrecognized. I thank you so much, Dr. Sarah Titler!!!! You are one amazing provider.”

Thursday, June 27, 2019