
  • 1953

    Jack Moyers, MD, establishes the Intensive Care Unit at Iowa.


    John Severinghaus, MD, a resident under Stuart Cullen, MD, completes and publishes development of the PCO2 Electrode.


    William Hamilton, MD, is appointed Division Chair.

  • 1961

    First Midwest Anesthesia Residents Meeting, organized by William Hamilton, MD, and Jack Moyers, MD, is held in Iowa City.

  • 1963

    Anesthesia breaks from Department of Surgery to become an independent Department.

  • 1968

    Midwest Anesthesia Residents Meeting becomes Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference (MARC), now the largest gathering of anesthesia residents in the world; Department becomes nationally known for research on muscle relaxant BW33A (atracurium).

  • 1973

    Department hires its first sub-specialty anesthesiologist, Roland Kennedy, MD (obstetric anesthesia).


    John Tinker, MD, is appointed Department Chair; recruits David Chestnut, MD, (Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia) and Michael Todd, MD, to bolster the Department's research activities; establishes collaboration between Department and College of Nursing to create Anesthesia Nursing Program.

  • 1980

    Pain Management program begins as a Department consultation service.


    Samir Gergis, MD, and Marty Sokoll, MD, publish their work on the priming principle, the idea that a small initial dose of anesthetic should be followed by a much larger dose to hasten the onset of neuromuscular block.