Laura Brouwer, Biochemistry Stores

Laura Brouwer

Manager, Biochemistry Stores
Stephen Peterson, Biochem stores

Stephen Peterson

Supply Chain Associate
Donald Boehme, Biochem stores

Donald Boehme

Supply Chain Associate

Store Location

Biochemistry Stores is located at 4-321 BSB.

Store Hours

  • 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Holiday Hours: Our scheduled holidays are the same as official University holidays.  Closings for any other dates and times will be posted on our web page and outside our door at 4-321 BSB. 

Due to University policy, we can only service the University of Iowa campus.  We are only able to service customers on a walk-in basis.

Contact Information

Phone: (319) 335-7927
Fax: (319) 353-5970

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Biochem Stores
51 Newton Road, 4-321 BSB
Iowa City, IA 52242-1193


From downtown Iowa City on the east side of the river:
Via Iowa Avenue, cross the bridge going west.  Cross Riverside Drive to Newton Road. The Bowen Science Building (BSB) is the first building on the left side of Newton Road.

If driving, there is one parking space at the BSB loading dock on Newton Road (30 min. limit).  Enter through the 2nd floor entrance at the loading dock, continue down the hallway, turn left, and take the elevator or stairs to the 4th floor.  Should the loading dock spot not be open, additional parking spaces are available at the Newton Road Parking Ramp.

If walking from the east side of the river, cross the Iowa Avenue bridge and the pedestrian overpass on Riverside Drive.  BSB is straight ahead. There are two options for entering the building from the east side.  One is via the 1st floor entrance to the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology.  Once inside the building, turn right down the hallway and go to the 2nd set of elevators, then proceed to the 4th floor.  The 2nd option is to continue walking along Newton Road, up the hill, and entering through the loading dock on 2nd floor.  Continue down the hallway, turn left and take the elevator to the 4th floor.

If walking from the west side of the river, on or near the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics/health sciences campus:

  • Westlawn or Nursing Building occupants: the easiest entry is the loading dock entrance into 2nd floor.
  • Other west side buildings: the easiest entry is through one of the 3rd floor entrances on either side of the auditoria or through the buildings on 2nd floor and then using the pedestrian connector from EMRB to 4th floor BSB.

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