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Ali Khan

Ali Khan


BS, Biology and minor in Chemistry, SUNY Oswego

Mentor:  Munir Tanas, MD  

Comprehensive Exam: Dual Targeting of mTOR and YAP/TAZ in PI3K activated sarcomas


I was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to New York for my undergraduate degree. Given the interdisciplinary nature of today’s research, I explored a variety of fields, including biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, bioinformatics, and even electrical engineering at SUNY Oswego during my undergraduate education. Given my strong interest in cancer signaling, I joined Dr. Tanas’ lab to understand the role of PI3 kinase signaling and Hippo pathway in sarcomagenesis. My long-term goal is to therapeutically target these pathways to improve patient care!



Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing Predoctoral Fellowship, July, 2021- June, 2023



Clinica Biomarker Intern at Moderna Summer 2023


ORCiD: 0000-0003-0337-6735 

LinkedIn: ali-khan-b6b057118 


Cancer Biology PhD Program