Support the University of Iowa Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center

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Through vision and innovation, the University of Iowa Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center is meeting the health-care challenges of the future – by leading the way in research, education, and service.

You can help make a difference by giving to the Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center!

Your financial support helps fund research innovations and provides unrestricted resources that can be used when and where the need is the greatest need.  

Make a donation today using our secure online giving website.

Tribute Giving 

Consider a tribute gift in remembrance of a loved one, or in honor of a special person or caregiver. If you like, you can choose an area of research within the Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Iowa meaningful to the individual you honor. 

Explore the Impact of Giving

Philanthropy initiated by you provides support for pioneering research labs investigating numerous aspects of cardiovascular disease and therapeutics. Today, new insights, therapies and cures begin with steps that you take today.

Talk to Us

If there are areas of particular interest to you, or if you simply need more information on options for giving to the Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center, please email us at or call: 319-467-3371.


Scott Smith photo

Scott Smith

Associate Director of Development, Health Sciences

The University of Iowa Center for Advancement

Office: 319-467-3371