2024 ACRC Seminar Series

The 2024 ACRC Cardiovascular Seminar Series will take place in 2117 MERF.  All Seminars will be held on Friday afternoons at 1:00 pm.


Date Presentation Institution


August 9, 2024


Xuejun “XJ” Wang, MD, PhD, FAHA, FISHR

Sanford School of Medicine

University of South Dakota


September 13, 2024   


Kory J. Lavine, MD, PhD

Washington University School of Medicine St Louis

October 11, 2024

Leslie Leinwand, PhD

University of Colorado, Boulder

December 13, 2024

Guo Huang, PhD

University of California San Francisco

January 10, 2025

Elizabeth "Tish" Murphy, PhD

National Institutes of Health Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

March 13, 2025

Sharlene Day, MD


Perelman School of Medicine Penn University