The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center (FOE DRC) at the University of Iowa (UI) is a premier research institute that is focused on advancing knowledge of the pathophysiology of diabetes and its complications through cutting edge research. This ambitious vision has several goals:
We have built upon the solid foundation laid by Dr. Daryl Granner, Founding Director Emeritus and the vision of Dr. John Stokes, to strengthen, support and expand the diabetes research infrastructure at the University of Iowa.
We continue to actively recruit and support the brightest and most creative diabetes researchers in the country, to achieve our goal of being on the forefront of innovative diabetes research and to push the boundaries of what is already known.
We leverage the world-class research space in the Pappajohn Biomedical Research Building, where the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center is housed to realize paradigm-shifting discoveries that are significantly impacting possibilities for diabetes care and prevention.
We play a pivotal role in institutional efforts to drive translational initiatives that impact diabetes care and increase public awareness of the importance of the current diabetes epidemic.
Andrew Norris, MD, PhD & Kamal Rahmouni, PhD
Interim Co-Directors, Frateral Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center