Congratulations to Dr. Del Rios and Dr. Nugent on their paper on organizational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nice work! Observational study of organisational responses of 17 US hospitals over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Choo EK, Strehlow M, Del Rios M, Oral E, Pobee R, Nugent A, Lim S, Hext C, Newhall S, Ko D, Chari SV, Wilson A, Baugh JJ, Callaway D, Delgado MK, Glick Z, Graulty CJ, Hall N, Jemal A, Kc M, Mahadevan A, Mehta M, Meltzer AC, Pozhidayeva D, Resnick-Ault D, Schulz C, Shen S, Southerland L, Du Pont D, McCarthy DM. BMJ Open. 2023 May 8;13(5):e067986. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067986. PMID: 37156578
Tuesday, May 9, 2023