The Department of Emergency Medicine offers 4th-year electives in Emergency Medicine to visiting medical students enrolled in a LCME accredited medical school during the months of July through October. 

Available visiting clerkships are four weeks and include Emergency Medicine Advanced Clerkship at University of Iowa Health Care (EM: 8402), the Advanced Life Support Course (EM: 8401), and the Medical Toxicology Clerkship at University of Iowa Health Care (EM: 8411).  These four week rotations are approved and competitively arranged by the department on a rolling basis. 

Students interested should submit the following in a PDF to Tori Clarke at

  1. Name
  2. Course you are applying for
  3. Class year
  4. E-mail
  5. Phone
  6. Name of Medical School
  7. Name of Undergraduate School/Degree
  8. Current CV
  9. Medical School Transcripts
  10. USMLE Scores (Steps 1 & 2)

Following approval from the Department of Emergency Medicine, the applicant will need to complete the Carver College of Medicine application process, where you will formally apply through the Carver College of Medicine and be approved as a visiting student.  *Note:  until this process is complete, the elective as approved first by the Department is not "official”.

University of Iowa Visiting Scholars Program

The University of Iowa Health Care is committed to improving the delivery of health care to diverse patient populations through patient care, research, and teaching. The University of Iowa Visiting Scholars Program offers a stipend through a competitive application process to support 4-week visiting electives for medical students who are from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine. 

Accepted students will receive a stipend of up to $2,500 to cover the visiting student elective application fee, travel, housing, and other living expenses.  The program will provide mentorship and networking opportunities with UI Health Care faculty, resident/fellow physicians, and current students.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.  Students must also complete the above visiting student elective application process.  *Note:  acceptance into the University of Iowa Visiting Scholars Program does not guarantee a visiting clerkship seat and is contingent on availability and final UI CCOM Visiting Student Elective approval.

Gene Rodemich

Dr. Eugene A. Rodemich III Underrepresented in Medicine Scholarship

In order to provide additional support for students underrepresented in medicine, the Department of Emergency Medicine also sponsors the Dr. Eugene A. Rodemich III Underrepresented in Medicine Scholarship, which carries a stipend of $2500. Dr. Rodemich believed equity in Medicine is the key to quality healthcare for everyone. His enthusiastic advocacy and irrepressible spirit touched students and colleagues alike. This scholarship honors his commitment to education and inclusion for all.  

Clerkship Contacts

Clerkship Director: 

Carly Theiler, MD

Assistant Clerkship Director:  

Kaila Pomeranz, DO, MME

Clerkship Coordinator:  

Tori Clarke