
Congratulations to Dr. Zepeski on her paper in the BMJ! Vaccine effectiveness of primary series and booster doses against covid-19 associated hospital admissions in the United States: living test negative design study. Adams K, Rhoads JP, Surie D, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, McNeal T, Talbot HK, Casey JD...
Congrats to Dr. Anne Zepeski on her paper exploring data on the effectiveness of monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against BA.4/BA.5-associated hospitalizations. Effectiveness of Monovalent mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Among Immunocompetent Adults During BA.1/BA.2 and...
Congrats to Drs. Jennissen, Vakkalanka and team for AAP research Award. Nick Stange, Dr. Jennissen’s former student and now a medical student at St. Louis University, won the Best Trainee Abstract Presentation for the Council on Injury, Violence and Injury Prevention (COIVPP) Meeting at the 2022...
Congratulations to Dr Lee and the rest of his team on their recently published paper! Nice work! Challenges and opportunities in creating a deprescribing program in the emergency department: A qualitative study. Lee S, Bobb Swanson M, Fillman A, Carnahan RM, Seaman AT, Reisinger HS. J Am Geriatr...
Congrats to Drs. Mohr, Okoro, Harland, Faine, and Zepeski on their study for outcomes of provider-to-provider tele-emergency department care. Outcomes Associated With Rural Emergency Department Provider-to-Provider Telehealth for Sepsis Care: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Mohr NM, Okoro U, Harland KK...
Congratulations to Dr. Zepeski on her recent paper! Nice work! Vaccine effectiveness of primary series and booster doses against covid-19 associated hospital admissions in the United States: living test negative design study. Adams K, Rhoads JP, Surie D, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, McNeal T, Talbot HK,...
Congrats to Dr. McCabe on his project on the use of Project ECHO for addition care in rural EDs! Applying Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Care Outcomes) to improve addiction care in rural emergency departments. Moore PQ, Tilmon S, Chhabra N, McCabe DJ, Aks SE, Johnson D, Pho MT. AEM...
Congrats to Drs. Vakkalanka, Harland, and Radke for their paper on implicit bias among health care providers. Important work! Investigating Healthcare Provider Bias Toward Patients Who Use Drugs Using a Survey-based Implicit Association Test: Pilot Study. Dahl RA, Vakkalanka JP, Harland KK, Radke J...
Congratulations to Dr. Lee on his paper on emergency medicine research methods. Nice work! A Structural Competency Framework for Emergency Medicine Research: Results from a Scoping Review and Consensus Conference. Zeidan A, Salhi B, Backster A, Shelton E, Valente A, Safdar B, Wong A, Porta AD, Lee...
Congratulations to Dr Paul Van Heukelom on his paper on the evaluation of a testing device for influenza/RSV. Nice work! Cepheid Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV evaluation performed by minimally trained non-laboratory operators in a CLIA-waived environment . Shihabuddin BS, Faron ML, Relich RF, Van Heukelom P...