Visual fields expert receives prestigious award

Professor of ophthalmology and visual fields expert Chris Johnson, PhD, received the American Academy of Optometry’s highest honor. The Charles F. Prentice Medal Award was awarded to Johnson at the Academy’s 2018 Annual Meeting in San Antonio.

Johnson is recognized as a world leader in the design of psychophysical testing for clinicians. His research has been instrumental in the development of methods to monitor progression of visual field loss and automated visual field testing.

The Prentice award recognizes a distinguished scientist or clinician-scientist for a career-long record of advancement of knowledge in vision science. It is considered to be the most prestigious of the Academy’s awards for achievement in research. 

View more about Johnson’s selection for the award:  

Chris Johnson, PhD (right) received the American Academy of Optometry’s highest honor for vision research.  The Charles F. Prentice Medal Award was presented to Johnson by Academy President, Joseph Shovlin, OD, FAAO (left).

Tuesday, November 13, 2018