Clinical Conference: Glaucoma (Mansour F. Armaly Lecture)

Guest Speaker: David S. Friedman, MD, PhD, MPH
Director of Glaucoma Service and Albert Diane Kaneb Chair in Ophthalmology
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Co-Director of the Glaucoma Center of Excellence at Harvard Medical School
Dr. David S. Friedman is the Director of the Glaucoma Service and the Albert and Diane Kaneb Chair in Ophthalmology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear as well as Co-Director of the Glaucoma Center of Excellence at Harvard Medical School. He has pursued excellence in clinical care, research, and education, and is considered a leader in all three fields. As a clinician he has consistently been elected a “Best Doctor” and frequently is asked to lecture both domestically and internationally on glaucoma care. He is world renowned for the treatment of angle closure glaucoma. He performs a wide range of glaucoma procedures as well as cataract surgery. Dr. Friedman’s research focuses on angle closure glaucoma, ophthalmic epidemiology, and glaucoma therapy with an emphasis on medication adherence among glaucoma patients. Dr. Friedman has published nearly 300 peer-reviewed articles.
Faculty Host: Nathaniel Sears, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
8 a.m. to noon
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Pomerantz Family Pavilion
Braley Auditorium | 01136 PFP
Iowa City, Iowa
Describe up-to-date ocular treatments and therapies and how those correlate to patient care. More effectively describe, diagnose and treat common and rare ocular diseases. Recall research being conducted in our Department and the Institute of Vision Research.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (3.25 hours), Non-Physician Attendance (3.25 hours)
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Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Matt Browning in advance at (319)384-8529 or