Research and Publications
- PubMed Articles
- PubMed articles concerning both Covid-19 and Ophthalmology
- LitCovid
- LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 1120 (and growing) research articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access.
- World Health Organization
- Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (publications)
- UIHC vaccine information for staff
- Iowa Department of Public Health vaccine information
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccine information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (main page on Covid-19)
- Information for healthcare providers
- How to protect yourself
- What to do if you think you are sick
- Information for health departments
- Frequently asked questions
- Information for laboratories
- Resources for clinics and healthcare facilities
Professional Organizations (info. about Covid-19)
UIHC/UIowa Covid-19 Resources
- Hardin Library Coronavirus Disease 2019 subject guide
- The Loop
- Just-in-Time Child Care Resources
- Donning and doffing PPE
Covid-19 information by state (from the Council of State Governments)
Mental Health Resources for staff
Community Information
- Iowa Covid-19 Dashboard
- Iowa Department of Public Health
- City Governments
- County resources