Karla Hemesath, PhD
Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine
Current Positions
- Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine
- Bachelor of Science in Biology, Viterbo University, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, United States
- Master of Science in Human Development and Family Studies, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, United States
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Ecology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, United States
- Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Program Evaluation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Research Interests
- Develop mentoring relationships with research faculty to begin establishment of educational and research funding opportunities.
- Work with other departmental faculty to develop and disseminate educational scholarship.
- Evaluate outcomes of various behavioral medicine teaching strategies to determine best practices — publish and disseminate where possible.
Licenses & Certifications
- Marital and Family Therapist, State of Iowa Board of Behavioral Science
- Basic Life Support, American Heart Association
- Marital and Family Therapist, State of Illinois
- Marital and Family Therapist, State of Kansas
- Marital and Family Therapist, State of Wisconsin
- Marital and Family Therapist, State of Minnesota
- GME Leadership Development Certificate, American Association of Medical Colleges
- Primary Care Behavioral Health Certificate, University of Massachusetts Department of Family Medicine
Selected Publications
- Kasper, Stacie DO; Banu, Hussain MBBS, MD; Hemesath, Karla PhD. In patients with preoperative anxiety, is pharmacological treatment or acupuncture therapy more effective at reducing anxiety symptoms?. Evidence-Based Practice 27(5):p 29-30, May 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/EBP.0000000000002083
- Hemesath K. Brain Retraining: Using Pain Reprocessing Therapy to Reduce Chronic Back Pain. [FPIN's GEMs of the Week]. In Family Physicians Inquiries Network. Columbia (MO): FPIN; 2022. https://fpin.memberclicks.net/assets/GEMs/GEMArchives/GOTW%20-%20v2i26.pdf#nameddest=brain
- Connett M, Welder E, Hemesath K. The Short and Long of It: What is the Right Course of Antibiotic Therapy for Men with UTI? [FPIN's GEMs of the Week]. In Family Physicians Inquiries Network. Columbia (MO): FPIN; 2022. https://www.fpin.org/assets/GEMs/GEMArchives/GOTW%20-%20v2i3.pdf#nameddest=uti.
- Kasper, S., Banu, H., & Hemesath, K. (n.d.). In patients with preoperative anxiety, is pharmacological treatment or acupuncture therapy more effective at reducing anxiety symptoms? In Family Physicians Inquiries Network. Columbia (MO): FPIN; 2024. https://www.fpin.org/assets/EBPFinalIssues/2024/EMSv27n5-issue-text-proof_2.pdf
- Connett M, Welder E, Hemesath K. The Short and Long of It: What is the Right Course of Antibiotic Therapy for Men with UTI? [FPIN's GEMs of the Week]. In Family Physicians Inquiries Network. Columbia (MO): FPIN; 2022. https://www.fpin.org/assets/GEMs/GEMArchives/GOTW%20-%20v2i3.pdf#nameddest=uti. Accessed January 14, 2022.
- Hemesath, K. & McKinley, C. (2020). New Champion: Anxiety Disorders (RCR-2020-0045.R1). Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource.
- Shen, W., Hemesath, K., Veit, L., Thoma, K. & Skelly, K. “Implementation of TeamSTEPPS concept at an academic primary care clinic” [J Interprof Educ Pract 20 (2020) 100352] (Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice (2020) 20, (S2405452620300355), (10.1016/j.xjep.2020.100352))Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, Volume 22, March 2021,
- Brooks KD, Acton RD, Hemesath K, Schmitz CC. Surgical skills acquisition: performance of students trained in a rural longitudinal integrated clerkship and those from a traditional block clerkship on a standardized examination using simulated patients. J Surg Educ. 2014 Mar-Apr;71(2):246-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2013.08.008. Epub 2013 Oct 1. PMID: 24602717.
- Cisler, R. A., Hemesath, K., Partington, S. N. & Phelps, D. L. (2008). Chapter 5: Eating Behaviors, Eating Disorders and Body Image. In Desk Reference Guide to Rapid Assessment Instruments, Volume I: Measures of Personal and Psychological Functioning. The Guilford Press, New York, NY.
- Stearns JA, Hemesath K, Londo RA. Goal Setting for Community Preceptorships. Fam Med 2000;32(3):161-162, PMID: 10798899.