
Jane Paulsen directs the Huntington’s Disease Center of Excellence at the University of Iowa

The Neurogenetics Division (NG) of the Department of Neurology in the Carver College of Medicine was created in January 2012.

The division takes advantage of areas that have been historically excellent within the institution, such as the Muscle Disease and Huntington's Disease programs. The Muscle Disease program, headed by Kevin Campbell, Steven Moore and Kathy Mathews, has long been a strength of the institution for approximately 30 years, combining exceptional strength in basic science, neuropathology and clinical care of children and adults.

The Huntington’s Disease (HD) Group, developed by Jane Paulsen from Psychiatry, created the PREDICT program, which has generated much of the current knowledge about pre-symptomatic HD and includes a Juvenile HD program run by Peg Nopoulos. Recently, the HD program has been further strengthened by John Kamholz, who led a very large translational HD program in Detroit and now is head of the HD Clinic at the University of Iowa and an AMBI faculty member.

Michael Shy brought his internationally successful Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) Clinic to Iowa when he joined the Department of Neurology in 2012.