return to: Facial Paralysis (surgery for facial nerve paralysis weakness)
see also: Platinum-Gold eyelid weighting; House-Brackmann Facial Paralysis Scale; Salivary Gland Surgery Protocols; Nerve Grafting for Facial Paralysis (Cross Face Nerve Grafting)
Note: last updated before 2017
Dr. Douglas Henstrom University of Iowa Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Director of Facial Nerve Center
For appointment please call: 319-356-3600
- History and Physical
- Establish the etiology: Skull trauma, idiopathic, parotid surgery/tumor, CPA surgery/tumor, penetrating injuries, congenital
- Time from injury
- Degree of facial dysfunction: House-Brackmann grading system (complete versus incomplete paralysis; total versus segmental paralysis)
- General health of patient
- Degree of functional problem: exposure keratitis (Ophthalmology Service consult), epiphora, nasal obstruction, poor oral competence, synkinesis, speech difficulties, non-verbal communication
- Aesthetic considerations: blepharoptosis, asymmetric smile, synkinesis, brow ptosis
- Associated conditions: Hearing loss, balance problems, other cranial neuropathies, cancer, radiation, chemotherapy, prognosis
- Electrical Testing
- Nerve stimulation test
- Electroneurography (most useful for Bell's palsy)
- Quantitative measure of degeneration
- Obtain periodically from three to 21 days post paralysis
- Greater than 90% degeneration implies less than 50% chance of spontaneous recovery
- Electromyography
- Voluntary and involuntary muscle function
- Wait for two to three weeks after injury
- Results: Motor unit potentials, fibrillation potentials (severe denervation), polyphasic potentials (early reinnervation) and electrical silence (muscle atrophy, rule out developmental lesion)
- Radiography
- Temporal bone CT
- Surgical Exploration
- Surgical exploration of the facial nerve
- Acute, acquired severe degeneration (greater than 90% within two weeks, per ENoG): facial nerve decompression via MCF (Bell's palsy) and/or transmastoid (temporal bone fracture, cholesteatoma, etc)
- Developmental paralysis: rule out facial nerve hypoplasia
- Penetrating and iatrogenic transection injuries
- Contaminated wounds: explore, debride, tag nerve ends, repair within one month to allow for reasonable size match
- Muscle biopsy
- Longstanding denervation (greater than two years) to determine status of muscle; a lot of variability exists in timing and degree of denervation atrophy
- To rule out muscular hypoplasia in developmental paralysis
- Nerve biopsy
- To establish margins during cancer resection
- To determine viability of distal stump to decide between reinnervation procedures versus muscle (or nerve/muscle) transfer
- Documentation, photographs and video documentation, FACE quality of life questionnaire.
- Surgical exploration of the facial nerve
- Nerve Injury
- Sunderland and Seddon classifications
- Wallerian degeneration of the distal nerve occurs when axonal continuity is lost (second-degree, axonotmesis or greater). It takes three days for distal nerve stimulability to be lost.
- Regenerative activity is the greatest at 21 days post-injury.
- Facial nerve regenerates at approximately 1 mm a day. Distal injuries begin to recover quicker (pes anserinus: six months) and have better prognosis than proximal ones (CPA: 18 months for recovery).
- Muscle Denervation
- Fiber size decreases to half original size in two weeks.
- Muscle atrophy and fibrosis follow long-term denervation, but timing is variable; arbitrary time of 18 to 24 months post injury. "Silence" on EMG or "fibrosis-atrophy" on muscle biopsy will preclude physiologic reanimation of existing facial muscles.
- Staging According to Time of Injury and Status of Nerve/Muscle
- Stage 1 (0 to 30 days)
- Intratemporal injuries
- Temporal bone fracture: theoretically, performed at three weeks, when there is the greatest regenerative activity at cell body. In practice, the repair is performed as soon is convenient.
- CPA tumor: repair primarily, if possible
- Extratemporal injuries: repair ASAP; easier within three days (easier identification of distal stump by electrical stimulation and dissection); best results within one month while there is still reasonable size match.
- Intratemporal injuries
- Stage 2 (one month to one to two years)
- Surgical procedures designed to bring neural input back to existing facial muscle.
- Absence of proximal nerve stump (use nerve crossover)
- Stage 3 (greater than two years)
- For a reinnervation procedure to be successful, there must be evidence of viable distal nerve (nerve biopsy) and muscle (fibrillation potentials, of PUPs, on EMG)
- "Fibrotic" nerve or muscle requires "nonphysiologic" reanimation (ie, dynamic or static procedures)
- Stage 1 (0 to 30 days)
- Physiologic Reanimation
- Neurorrhaphy: surgical suturing/repair of a severed nerve
- Use atraumatic, meticulous microsurgical technique and instrumentation.
- Avoid tension across suture line; usually, gaps of 1 cm or less can be repaired by mobilization and by primary neurorrhaphy.
- Freshen ends by cutting with sharp blade obliquely.
- Maintain original relationship of the nerve ends by aligning the mirror images of the fascicles, blood vessels or irregularities on the sides.
- Proximal nerve: use perineural technique (remove epineurium if present).
- Distal nerve (to pes): use epineural technique; no need to repair most distal branches (eg, medial to lateral orbital rim, medial to nasolabial fold).
- Mastoid-meatal rerouting will add approximately 1 cm in length; leave cuff of tissue around mobilized segment; consider risk of devascularization versus use of autograft.
- Use fewest sutures possible (9-0 or preferably 10-0 nylon), 1 mm bites, 3-4 simple interrupted, with atraumatic, tapered needle. May consider the placement of tisseel over neurorrhaphy.
- Autogenous nerve grafting
- Superior end-to-end repair under tension, despite greater number of anastomoses
- Gaps greater than 1 cm need autograft for tensionless sutures
- Choice of grafts depends on length, size, availability
- Greater auricular nerve (C2 to C3)
- Most commonly used
- Consent patient for anesthesia of mastoid, auricle
- Similar outer diameter to main trunk of FN and has two to three fascicles
- Readily available in ipsilateral neck
- May provide distal branching as it enters tail of parotid
- Sural nerve
- When multiple or long (up to 35 cm) grafts are needed
- Cross facial nerve grafting
- Anesthesia to side and back of distal third of leg, ankle, heel (see Sural nerve harvest protocol) may be contraindicated in patients with diabetes or peripheral vascular disease
- Medial antebrachial cutaneous (MAC) nerve
- Arm donor site
- Little morbidity
- Good length and size match
- Multiple branches for possible match with distal facial nerve branches
- Lateral antebrachial cutaneous (LAC) nerve
- Lower arm donor site
- Little morbidity
- Good length (10 cm) and size match at proximal end, but small distal ends
- Multiple branches possible
- Easily harvested at time of radial forearm free flap surgery
- Preparation of autografts
- Handle with care
- Should be longer than gap
- Preserve in balanced salt solution until ready to use
- Reverse direction of the graft to avoid misdirection of axonal regrowth via unused branches
- Perineural technique
- Greater auricular nerve (C2 to C3)
- Nerve crossover anastomosis
- When neurorrhaphy and grafting are precluded, such as in cases of absent proximal facial nerve (eg, ablative cancer surgery, temporal bone and CPA tumor resections)
- Requires a viable distal nerve and muscle (Stages 1 or 2)
- Consent patients for mass movement, muscle atrophy at the distribution of the donor nerve (trade-off), facial twitches, hypertonia of facial muscles, need for rehabilitation/training
- Choices
- XII to VII: most widely used, best results
- Only one suture line or may use jump graft (i.e., sural, greater auricular, etc.)
- Branch of CN XII may provide adequate innervation vs. primary nerve trunk providing excessive innervation.
- 95% will achieve good resting tone and eye protection
- Discuss tongue atrophy, and need for tongue movement to initiate facial movement
- Expect three to six months for facial motion to begin
- Perform at the time of tumor resection
- Only one suture line or may use jump graft (i.e., sural, greater auricular, etc.)
- Cross-facial nerve (VII to VII)
- Needs sural graft of 15 to 18 cm
- 50% of fibers, mainly buccal, can be sacrificed without severe facial weakness
- Topical lidocaine application, followed by electrical stimulation, helps assessment of the effect of sectioning donor branches on the intact side (use buccal and zygomatic branches)
- Better results when used to augment other techniques (XII to VII, gracilis free flap, serratus free flap)
- XII to VII: most widely used, best results
- Neurorrhaphy: surgical suturing/repair of a severed nerve
- Dynamic Reanimation
- Neuromuscular transfer
- Used when the extent of nerve or muscle atrophy precludes the use of nerve substitution techniques (Stage 3)
- Used to augment unsatisfactory reinnervation procedures
- Provides resting symmetry and some voluntary movement
- Requires transfer of intact neurovascular supply
- Choices
- Masseter: for oral commissure and nasolabial fold only (rehabilitation of the lower division); submandibular incision, free anterior two-thirds of the muscle, attach to orbicularis oris through a second skin incision at nasolabial fold, use clear 4-0 prolene sutures, overcorrect slightly; can combine with a static sling
- Temporalis: for corner-of-mouth rehabilitation; extended facelift incision for wide exposure, use central one-third of temporalis muscle, mobilize it inferiorly to zygoma, divide and subcutaneously tunnel the flap for individual rehabilitation of nasal ala, corner of mouth, lips
- Temporalis Tendon Transfer: for corner-of-mouth rehabilitation; extended facelift incisions for wide exposure, detach coronoid process from mandible and remove tendon from bone, stretch and release muscle inferiorly, suture to modiolus.
- Nerve-muscle pedicle: ansa-strap muscle pedicle; Tucker uses it for oral rehabilitation only
- Neuromuscular transfer
- Free Muscle Grafts and Flaps
- For patients in whom the distal nerve branches have been sacrificed, in whom there is no intact facial musculature, or who have undergone an unsuccessful nerve graft or crossover
- Reneurotization from intact homologue muscle will help with symmetric, volitional, and emotional action
- Require staged procedure and usually combined with cross-facial grafting
- Palmaris longus muscle, for oral sphincter rehabilitation
- Extensor digitorum brevis, for eye closure
- Gracilis free flap (see protocol)
- Static Rehabilitation for Hypokinesis
- To achieve symmetry at rest only
- To augment dynamic procedures
- Targeted face rehabilitation
- Fascia lata sling (see Fascia Lata Harvest protocol)
- Palmaris tendon suspension
- Facelift
- Eye rehabilitation
- Platinum or gold weight implant, spring implant and suture tarsorrhaphy, to correct lagophthalmos and intractable exposure keratitis (see Platinum-Gold eyelid weighting)
- Bick lateral canthoplasty and lower lid wedge resection, to correct epiphora and conjunctival inflammation
- Lateral tarsal strip for lower lid tightening and ectropion
- Brow lift, for brow ptosis
- Blepharoplasty, for supratarsal fold sagging
- Nasal rehabilitation
- Alar suspension with fascia lata or septorhinoplasty, for nasal obstruction
- Oral rehabilitation
- Oral commissuroplasty (Z-plasty) and plication of mouth levators, for drooping mouth
- Lower lip lateral wedge resection and digastric transposition, for oral incompetence
- Targeted face rehabilitation
- Hyperkinesis (Synkinesis) Rehabilitation
- Facial Neuromuscular Retraining with facial physical therapy specialist
- Botox injection for synkinesis
- Selective myectomy: frontalis, mouth levators, mentalis, platysma (see platysmectomy protocol), depressor labii inferioris
- Selective neurolysis/neurectomy
- Partial lacrimal gland resection, for gustatory lacrimation
- Stapes tendolysis, for stapedius synkinesis
House JW, Brackmann DE. Facial nerve grading system. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1985;93:146-147.
Maisie Shindo, Facial reanimation with microneurovascular free flaps, Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Volume 11, Issue 2, Flaps for Head and Neck Reconstruction: Part I, June 2000, Pages 147-149.
P Johnson, A Bajaj-Luthra and R Llull et al., Quantitative facial motion analysis after functional free muscle reanimation procedures, Plast Reconstruct Surg 100 (1997), pp. 1710--1719.
Hadlock TA, Malo JS, Cheney ML, Henstrom DK. Free Gracilis Transfer for smile in Children: The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Experience in excursion and quality-of-life changes. Arch of Facial Plast Surg. 2011. May-June;13(3) 190-4.