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(password protected: Advanced Sialendoscopy Course May 5 2018 New York Ultrasound Techniques (Hoffman))
Diagnostic Ultrasound
General: Salivary Ultrasound
Sonopalpation: Sonopalpation (Ultrasound) Submandibular Stone
Salivary Ultrasound Sonopalpation for Stone
Salivary Ultrasound Sonopalpation for Stone Favorable for Transoral Removal
Ultrasound Correlates (CT, sialography, gland resection):
Salivary stone imaging correlates
Chronic sialadenitis histopath correlate with ultrasound
Parotid sialogram, ultrasound, and CT for Sjogrens syndrome
Parotid duct dilation with 3.0 mm sialoballoon under fluoroscopy
Ultrasound to Supplement Surgery:
Parotid Duct Stricture Dilation with Salivary Balloon and Ultrasound Guidance
Parotid duct stricture sialoballon dilation with fluoroscopy and ultrasound
Botox injection to salivary glands for hypersalivation
Ultrasound Guided FNA Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
Full lecture: Hoffman final ultrasound assisted surgical technques 0504 2018 noon.pptx
Hoffman Salivary Swelling focus on US 5 21 2019 H+N Course.pdf