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Figures for Ultrasound Guided Salivary Gland Techniques and Interpretations

last modified on: Tue, 10/10/2023 - 15:29

Figure 1,2,3,4,5 Standard Approach for Salivary Ultrasound Salivary ultrasound standardized diagnostic approach and report

Figure 6 Ultrasound appearance of veno-lymphatic malformation with phleboliths Ultrasound appearance of facial venolymphatic malformation with phlebolith

Figure 7 Large stone in hilum correlates with ultrasound, CT, gross Ultrasound CT Sialendoscopy and Gross Appearance of Submandbiular Stone

Table 1 Salivary sonographic landmarks Salivary Ultrasound

Figure 8 Ultrasound correlates with small stone CT sialendoscopy Salivary stone imaging correlates

Figure 9a,b,c,d,e, favorable large stone Salivary Ultrasound Sonopalpation for Stone Favorable for Transoral Removal

Figure 10 submanidbular duct stricture with ultrasound correlated Submandibular sialogram ductal stricture

Figure 11 chronic sialadenitis correlates Chronic sialadenitis histopath correlate with ultrasound

Figure 12 sjogrens correlates with ultrasound sialogram CT Parotid sialogram, ultrasound, and CT for Sjogrens syndrome

Figure 13a,b intraoperative retrograde Ultrasound aided parotid ductoplasty - sialodochoplasty

Figure 14a,b,c US in OR guided balloon dilation Parotid Duct Stricture Dilation with Salivary Balloon and Ultrasound Guidance

Figure 15 and 16a,b,c,d,e balloon dilation in fluoscopy and in clinic Parotid duct stricture sialoballon dilation with fluoroscopy and ultrasound

Figure 17 in clinic botox injection with ultrasound Botox injection to salivary glands for hypersalivation

Figure 18 sound candy stimulation of duct Salivary ultrasound standardized diagnostic approach and report


Hoffman HT, Pagedar NA. Ultrasound-Guided Salivary Gland Techniques and Interpretations. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2018 Sep;26(2):119-132. doi: 10.1016/j.cxom.2018.04.001. PMID: 30077320.