see also: Speech Pathology Protocols
- Hemorrhagic Vocal Cord Polyp (Hemorrhagic Vocal Fold Polyp)
- Vocal Fold Polyps (polypoid corditis) case example of surgical treatment
- Recurrent Vocal Fold Polyp In-Clinic Treatment
- Case Example Vocal Fold Nodule Surgery
- Vocal Nodules (vocal fold nodules, vocal cord nodules, singer's nodes)
- Voice Evaluation (see Voice Clinic)
- as per Suspension Microlaryngoscopy (see Suspension Microlaryngoscopy)
- as per Suspension Microlaryngoscopy (see Suspension Microlaryngoscopy)
Case example: In-Clinic Surgery (Topical Anesthesia)
Case example (below): Operative Treatment (General Anesthesia)
View with 0 degree telescope
View through microscope with instrumentation
Final intraoperative result
Vocal fold cyst
Before excision (click to enlarge):
Videos of surgical exision VC Cyst 2009:
View after resection of cyst:
Vocal Nodules (vocal fold nodules, vocal cord nodules, singer's nodes)
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Altman KW: Vocal Fold Masses in Otolaryngol Clin N Am 40 (2007) 1091-1108