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Salivary Gland Cannulation Techniques, Instruments and Setup

powerpoint: File 2022 August 30 What Sialendoscopy Can Cant Do HH long version includes cannulation techniques_0.pptx

see also: Salivary Cannulation and Infusion Techniques (3 minute video); Submandibular duct cannulationTurner Needle used for Wharton's Duct (Submandibular Duct) CannulationChecklist Steroid Insufflation to Salivary Glands in Clinic

Cook Medical Salivary Access Dilator SetSalivary Gland Terminology (Anatomy, Salivation, Dry Mouth, Drooling)Submandibular Sialogram with Stricture Showing Dynamic Changes to Duct Morphology During Infusion and Catheter RemovalSialograms and SialographyInstructions to patients submandibular salivary stones

See video:

See additional video:


Additional considerations:

As per Barsky and Silberman (1932)

a. "Movements of the cheek affect the duct, straightening its course or making it more irregular"

b. "A colored solution of some kind, such as 3.5 per cent iodine, is applied to the papilla, and the opening of the duct is disclosed"

Historical Perspective - perhaps identifying why some still consider the process of sialography to be 'invasive' (we do not consider it 'invasive'):

a. Use of cut-down for submandibular duct with identification of lingual nerve and mobilization of the duct for cannulation (Friedlander 1976)

b. Use of a series of horse-hairs to place (~4) to dilate the duct (mention also made of 4-0 nylon) 


Barsky AJ, Silberman H. Röntgen Visualization of the Parotid Gland by Means of Lipiodol Injection. Ann Surg. 1932 Jan;95(1):46-51. doi: 10.1097/00000658-193201000-00004. PMID: 17866716; PMCID: PMC1391546.

Friedlander AH: Cut-down sialography fo the submandibular gland. pp 555-556  J Oral Surgery Vol 34, June 1976 with comment p556 by Baurmash H DDS

Thomas AR: The Technique of Sialography p; 209-212 British Journ of Radiology  vol 29, Journal issue 340  April 1956