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return to protocol: Sialendoscopy
see also: Sialendoscopy Room Set Up and Equipment for Submandibular Glands
Case History
41 yo female with right submandibular gland swelling occuring several times per week, usually with dinner, lasting for an hour followed by resolution.
Imaging: CT scan = 3 mm calicified calculus (Sialolithiasis) in upper margin of right submandibular gland with the gland otherwise unremarkable
Sialendosocpy of right SMG done under general anesthesia
I. First Video
canulation of duct with 0.018 inch guide
dilation of duct orifice
following guide with 1.6 (o.d.) Zenk sialendoscopy (video begins)
laser fragmentation of stone (holmium laser on)
basket removal of stone
II. Second Video
removal of multiple other fragments (basket and forceps)
view of cleared hilum