See: University of Iowa Otolaryngology Medical Student Research Scholar Fellowship
Donate specifically to the Iowa Protocols by clicking: Give to Iowa - Donation Form – Gift Details or scan QR code
To be listed as a Donor (see list at bottom of every protocol) please email name to:
Meet the U of Iowa Otolaryngology Research Scholar Fellow 2023-2024 - Click on Video Below:
Funds are needed to:
1. Support the University of Iowa Otolaryngology Medical Student Research Scholar Fellowship
2. Maintain the "Music and Medicine on Monday" program -- a program in collaboration with the University of Iowa School of Music to create videos highlighting a music student and professor as well as relevant healthcare providers to address applicable medical problems
3. Upgrade to include more protocols targeted at reading level for patient education
4. Enhance content presentation - upgrading software from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9
5. Continue support newly hired Research Assistant for the Iowa Protocols
6. Employ IT support for upgrades
7. Purchase and lease software
8. Hire artists to improve diagrams and figures
9. Increase number and quality of video demonstrations
10. Provide support for a student editor
From the initiation of the Iowa Head and Neck Protocols in 1989 to the present, we have followed our Mission Statement - described here: Iowa Head and Neck Protocols Mission Statement and History.
You have the opportunity to share in our goal of improving the care of the patients we serve!
Success of the Iowa Head and Neck Protocols:
- Contains over 1,200 pages catered to a large audience including various types of healthcare providers, residents, students, and patients
- Includes daily updates made to existing protocols by healthcare providers at the University of Iowa, based on the most current scientific evidence
- Review of protocols by the Iowa Protocols Review Committee (IPRC) before publication ensures dissemination of quality information.
- The IPRC is comprised of selected members of the University of Iowa Department of Otolaryngology, including the clinic administrator.
- Gives opportunities to learners, including medical students and residents, to author protocols and learn valuable skills such as the review and synthesis of scientific literature
- Receives 2 million page visits per year, with continued growth anticipated
- The majority of page visits (~54%) are accessed by users in the United States. Other top countries by user include India, United Kingdom, and Canada.
- Increasing use in other countries where health care resources are limited - providing accessible information via internet without cost
Your contribution can be made as a tax-deductible donation targeting the Iowa Protocols within the University of Iowa Otolaryngology Foundation. As a "thank you" to our donors, their personal or company name can be listed with an HTML link on the footer of each protocol on the Iowa Head and Neck Protocols website. These links will remain active for one year from the date of donation, with planned yearly revisions.
We thank you again for your time and support!
Questions? Please contact us at