This discussion forum is sponsored by the University of Iowa Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Its purpose is to promote discussion among health care professionals, scientists, and professional voice users regarding clinical and scientific issues relating to the normal and disordered human voice.
Access the listserve website to subscribe, unsubscribe, view archives, temporarily stop receiving messages, or otherwise manage your subscription. Click on the following link or copy and paste it into your web browser:
- A screen with the message, "You must log in to enter that forum" will appear for a moment, followed by another screen asking for your email address. Type in your email address in the line provided and click on the "OK" button in the right hand corner. The system will tell you if you are not already subscribed. If you are subscribed, you will be prompted for a password. See the “Important” note below about passwords. Enter your password if you created one when you subscribed. If you have not created a password for your subscription, leave the password field blank and click on “ok”
- If you are not subscribed, click on the "Search" button on the left. A list of names will then appear in alphabetical order. Locate the blue slider control on the right side of the window. Drag the slider control all the way to the bottom to view the very end of the list. Locate "voiceserve" near the bottom and CLICK ON THE "Subscribe" LINK IN THE RIGHT HAND COLUMN.
- Lyris, the listserve program, will automatically and immediately send an email to the email address you entered in step 1 (above) advising that "You have been subscribed to voiceserve". You may want to save this message. It includes instructions about how to unsubscribe.
- You will be returned to the All Forums list. Now click on VOICESERVE in the left hand column of the list. You should now be granted access the listserve. A list of submitted messages will appear for your review. Click on a message to read its content. To create a new message to share with the group, click on "create new message" in the upper right hand corner.
Now that you are subscribed, please take a moment to explore this powerful listserve tool.
IMPORTANT - The Lyris program automatically establishes subscriptions without passwords. Passwords are optional. If you want to create a password for your subscription, select the "My Account" item in the left hand list and then select the "Advanced" tab at the top of the next display. Follow directions from there.
Click on "Logout" in the upper right hand corner of the window when you want to leave Lyris. Login to Lyris any time you want to manage your listserve account.
New VOICESERVE messages will be sent to your email in-box. You may respond to them directly from there.
All messages to the listserve should be addressed as follows:
If you have any problems, contact me at:
Michael Karnell, Ph.D.
VOICESERVE Listserver Manager
The University of Iowa
READ THIS: Limitations of listserve discussions, particularly with regard to clinical issues.
Attention VOICESERVE Subscribers
Information shared during discussion of clinical diagnoses and treatment ofvoice disorders through VOICESERVE reflects the opinion of the individual posting that information and in no way reflects the position of, or endorsement by, its sponsor (the University of Iowa (UI)). Information shared through this listserve shouldnever be offered or used as a substitute for face-to-face clinical assessment and management by qualified health-care professionals. The UI makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy, validity, or appropriateness of any information shared in this public forum. It is incumbent on all subscribers posting to this listserve to do so in a professional, ethical manner consistent with the Code of Ethics established by the subscriber’s professional organization.
Subscribers who submit correspondence via VOICESERVE are encouraged to identify themselves by interest and profession whenever contributing to discussions on this listserve. Non-professionals should identify themselves as interested lay public or patients.