Covid-19 could change the world…forever

There's no doubt that the global pandemic of COVID-19 has caused much human suffering.  And for those people around the world who are the worst affected, know that you have our deepest sympathies.  No one should have to go through this.   Nevertheless, something compelled Dave to think about the ways that society might change as a result of the some ways, perhaps for the better; in others, perhaps things will just different than were before.  Either way, co-hosts Eric Boeshart, Kenzie McKnight, Michael Gardeau, and Nathen Spitz try to look into the crystal ball a bit.   Next up, the crew answers some listener questions.  "Lex Turesboreme"  wants some advice on using lectures wisely when attendance isn't required.  And Soon-to-be-Dr-Ray is looking for some perspectives on which school to enroll in: the DO school or the MD school.  We're on it, friends! And Dave takes the opportunity to put on his fake medical educator hat to give a pop quiz on historical epidemics.