Global Health is a field of study that addresses the health of people and populations in a global context. It involves mutual teaching, research, and health care that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity worldwide. It examines the social determinants of health, addressing disparities including infectious and non-communicable disease issues, humanitarian response, as well as economic development and policy and system issues.
Medical students at the the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine have several ways to get involved with our Global Health Programs including:
- Semester long courses offered on campus for College of Medicine Students
- Special speaker opportunities
- Community-based electives and clerkships
- Student organizations
- Campus wide, national, and international conference involvement
- International academic institution exchanges
- Medical Spanish and French program
- Global Health Distinction Track
Our global health involvement has stretched from Iowa City across the world. A sample of recent activities includes:
- Summer and winter global health book discussion groups for all medical students
- Global Medicine Society/Student Physicians for Human Rights organization, and Global Health Journal Clubs
- Eight MD graduates with Global Health Distinction in the class of 2024
- Medical students pursued global health community-based work in the following countries this year:
- United States
- Denmark
- England
- Germany
- Sweden
- Ecuador
- Occupied Palestinian Territories/Israel
- South Africa
- Uganda
- India
- Nepal
- Attendance and presentations at local, regional, national, and international conferences
- New scholarship partners
To explore how you can be involved, contact the UI Carver College of Medicine Global Health Programs office.