Academic Support May Be the Answer
The demands of medical school are very different from most undergraduate experiences. Not everyone can be at the top of their class, and adjusting to the volume and density of information presented in class often leaves students feeling unsure of their ability to learn and integrate it well.
The Medical Student Counseling Center (MSCC) provides academic support and tutorial services to students free of charge.
Our learning specialist at the MSCC offers students guidance and resources in helping identify barriers in the learning process and developing effective learning strategies in your medical school journey at Carver. Each meeting can be from 20 minutes to 50 minutes. The learning specialist can offer individualized assessment during one on one meetings. Common topics to cover may include:
- Test Taking Strategies
- Manage Test Anxiety
- Effective Study Methods
- Time management
- Improve Study Motivation
- Active Learning Skills
- Prepare for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK
Students who are interested in applying for accommodations, please see more information at this page:
Tutoring Is Available and Encouraged
Tutor groups are available to our Medical students and PA students for the following courses:
First Year, First Semester:
- Medical Gross Anatomy
- Foundations of Cellular Life
- Mechanisms of Health and Disease I (MOHD I)
First Year, Second Semester:
- Mechanisms of Health and Disease II (MOHD II)
- Mechanisms of Health and Disease III (MOHD III)
Second Year, First Semester:
- Mechanisms of Health and Disease IV (MOHD IV)
- MOHD Keystone
During the first two years of medical school most students take advantage of one or more tutor groups. Particularly during the first year of study, joining a tutor group is recommended as a preventive measure for all students; for those struggling academically, it is essential.
Our tutors are medical students or PA students who have already completed a course of study and have demonstrated their mastery of the material. Groups are generally from 6-8 students, meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, and offer students a chance to clarify class material, ask questions, and clear up misunderstandings before exams.
During the first week of classes students receive a Tutoring Group List containing the names of tutors for each course and additional information to help in selecting a tutor group. MSCC Learning Specialist and Counselors are always available as a resource, and will meet with any student to help in the selection of a tutor group based on a student’s particular concerns and needs. Listings of tutors is available in ICON as well as in the MSCC office.
MSCC staff receives information about students' academic progress so that timely assistance can be offered before students get irreversibly behind in their course work. Students who are at risk for failing a course are invited to schedule a meeting with our Learning Specialist. This is an opportunity to discuss challenges and recommended strategies or services that might help. Tutors are recommended at this time if students are not already using them, and ongoing communication with course instructors is encouraged.
Faculty consistently express an openness and willingness to meet to assist students who come to them with questions or concerns.
The MSCC Learning Specialist also regularly provides Academic Skills workshops. The past workshop slides are on MSCC ICON site
Academic Workshops Powerpoint Slides
Academic Skill Tip Sheets:
Time Management and Routine Building
Please feel free to contact the MSCC Learning Specialist by calling MSCC office: 319-335-8056. Or you can send an email to: to schedule a meeting. We look forward to serving you.