Ryan Sheehy Defends Ph.D. Thesis

Ryan Sheehy successfully passed his Ph.D. examination on Friday, April 17, 2015.  His thesis title was “Schweinfurthin effects on cellular processes."  Members of his thesis committee were chair, Raymond J. Hohl from the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, Rory A. Fisher and John G. Koland from the Departments of Pharmacology and Internal Medicine, David F. Wiemer from the Department of Organic Chemistry and Daryl J. Murry from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics.

Dr. Sheehy’s research focused on the the mechanisms of anti-proliferative action elicited by the schweinfurthins in cancer cells.  He received his B.S. in Chemistry and B.A. in Mathematics from Graceland University and entered the Bioscience Program at Iowa in 2010.  He joined the Pharmacology Department in 2011 to begin the Ph.D. phase of his training.  Immediate plans are to work as a post-doctoral scholar at Iowa.

Congratulations to Dr. Sheehy!

Monday, April 20, 2015