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Stefan Strack receives an NIH R21 application

Mitochondria have critical roles in neuronal life and death decision, but their involvement in brain development and cognitive function is largely unexplored.

To fill this knowledge gap, Dr. Stefan Strack, Professor of Pharmacology and Pathology, has received an R21 grant from the NIH/NINDS titled “Outer mitochondrial PKA and PP2A in neurodevelopment and plasticity”. Dr. Yuriy Usachev, Professor of Pharmacology and Anesthesia is a co-investigator.  The research teams will examine neuronal connectivity, plasticity, and learning and memory in mice that lack PKA/AKAP1 or PP2A/Bbeta2, two signaling proteins with opposing effects on mitochondrial shape and function. Results may lead to better treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders and brain injury.

Monday, September 8, 2014