Submit Abstract

Submit an Abstract for the Pharmacological Sciences / Anatomy & Cell Biology Retreat

We invite graduate students, postdocs, research staff and faculty to submit an abstract for a poster or short oral presentation. Abstract submissions will be reviewed by a committee and some will be selected for a short oral presentation.  Selections will be made by mid-May. 

The deadline to submit an abstract is Monday, May 9, 2016.  If you have not yet done so, please remember to register.  


Posters should be mounted between 8:00 and 8:45 am and must be removed by 3:45 pm.  Presenters must be available to answer questions during their assigned time.  Poster numbers will be assigned and will be available the morning of the retreat at the registration table.  


  • Abstracts must be submitted online by the presenting author.
  • Include title of abstract, name and degree of all authors (bold and underline the name of the presenting author), and institutional affiliation (author name should be preceded by a superscript number corresponding to their home institution).
  • The body of the abstract may not exceed 300 words and should include text only - no figures, text boxes, graphs or references.
  • Font should be Arial 11 point. Text should be single spaced.
  • File name of uploaded abstract should read - Presenting Author Name(ex. lastname_firstname).

All abstracts will be accepted and will be reprinted for distribution in the Retreat Abstract Book.  Authors should consider whether sensitive or unpublished findings are appropriate for such distribution.


Poster boards have a display area of approximately 4' x 6'. Presenters are asked not to tack posters to the wooden frame surrounding the display area.


The abstract will be judged in conjunction with the poster.  The individual presenting the poster must be present during the entire session.  Winners will be announced at the end of the retreat.

Submit an abstract (Microsoft Word only)


Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the 2016 Research Retreat.