Front row: Gabby Bierlein-De La Rosa, Marcinkiewcz lab; Back row: Abby Morrison, K. Thiel lab; Hannah Hazzard, S. Gumusoglu lab; Alex Dou, C. Ahern lab; Nathan Gentilman, D. Roman lab; Julius Yevdash, C. Kenny lab; and Emma Luhmann, K. Campbell lab. (not pictured: Olivia Klein. M, Schultz lab)
The mission of the graduate training program in pharmacological sciences, which is supported by a T32 training grant from NIH / National Institute of General Medical Sciences (T32 GM144636), is to emphasize the education of predoctoral students with research interest broadly related to the pharmacological sciences.
Promote the interdisciplinary training of students as well as research collaborations between students and mentors from the following departments and programs.
Biochemistry | Microbiology |
Cancer Biology | Molecular Medicine |
Cell & Development Biology | Molecular Physiology & Biophysics |
Chemistry | Neuroscience |
Genetics | Pharmaceutical Sci & Exp Therapeutics |
Human Toxicology | Neuroscience & Pharmacology (N&P) |
Immunology |
Fellowship awards are made on an annual basis. Students may apply for and be awarded a fellowship for up to two years. The training grant executive committee solicits new applications and renewal applications each spring for competitive evaluation.
Student (PhD or MD/PhD) applicant must be working in a laboratory affiliated with one of the departments/programs listed above.
- PhD Students: The training grant covers years 2 and 3 of the PhD program. Therefore, first year graduate students are eligible to apply.
- MD/PhD Students: The training grant covers years 1 and 2 of the PhD program. Therefore, MD/PhD students are eligible to apply before beginning formal graduate training.
Student's thesis proposal should be relevant to the mission and goals which center around training students in a highly interdisciplinary manner broadly related to the Pharmacological Sciences.
The initial term of the appointment will be for 12 months and under no condition can be less than 9 months. Reappointment for a second year is contingent on satisfactory academic performance, compliance with the conditions outlined below, and competitive renewal of our training grant.
Terms & Requirements of the Fellowship Award - STUDENT
The fellowship award provides the following:
- a yearly minimum stipend of $28,224 and a maximum of $34,500, dependent on whether the student is appointed to an NIH or institutional slot, respectively.
- a minimum of $7,000 support for tuition and mandatory fee support.
- approximatley $500 in travel/research support (if on an NIH slot).
- a yearly allowance of $3,000 for childcare costs (if applicable)
Coursework Requirements:
All trainees are required to take, or will have taken, the following courses:
- Principles of Pharmacology (PCOL:5135, 1 sh spring)
- Either Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics (PCOL:5136, 1 sh spring) or Neurotransmitters (PCOL:5137, 1 sh spring).
- Advanced Problem Solving in Pharmacological Sciences (PCOL:6250, 1 sh). Taken each of the first 3 semesters of your appointment on the training grant. Accepting this offer includes the commitment to take this course 3 semesters even if alternative funding is obtained during this period).
- Mastering Reproducible Science (PHAR:6504, 1 sh, offered every spring). Can be taken during your first or second year. Accepting this offer includes the commitment to take this course even if alternative funding is obtained during this period.
- Basic Biostatistics and Experimental Design (PCOL:5204, 1 sh fall); other graduate-level statistics courses may be substituted if approved.
Other requirements during the period of support are to:
- attend the Neuroscience & Pharmacology Workshops (PCOL:6080:0002) on Thursdays 12:30-1:30 and, if announced, the Neuroscience & Pharmacology Seminar held on Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 during the academic year (for 2 consecutive years even if alternative funding is obtained during this period).
- attend all training grant sponsored luncheons each summer discussing job placement, science ethics, and other relevant issues.present a 20 minute workshop on your research during the spring semester.
- attend the annual Pharmacological Sciences Training Grant Research Retreat. Students will be required to present a poster and short talk during the second year of appointment.
- attend and present your work at one additional retreat or meeting (local/national/international) during the year. Please document retreat/meeting attendance in your annual progress report..
- pass the comprehensive examination during or after the second year of graduate school.
- complete Responsible Conduct of Research training (online CITI training and Principles of Scholarly Integrity – BMED:7270/1 course).
- complete the semiannual Graduate Student Laboratory Performance Rubric in collaboration with research mentor.
Career Development Opportunities
- Trainees are given the opportunity to build their teaching portfolio by lecturing in the Drug Use and Abuse (PCOL:2220) undergraduate spring course. Trainees are eligible to apply for the lectureship after they have completed the Principles in Pharmacology (PCOL:5135) and Pharmacogenetics and -genomics (PCOL:5136) or Neurotransmitters (PCOL:5137). If interested, please contact Kate Dannen (katelin-dannen@uiowa.edu).
- Trainees are given the opportunitity to attend the “Careers in Drug Development” workshop featuring presentations by Adjunct Professor and Pharmacology alumnus, Bryan Cox, as well as other invited leaders in Pharma/Biotech.
Following their time on the training grant and for remainder of the training period at the U of I, trainees are encouraged to attend training grant sponsored events.
Terms & Requirements of the Fellowship Award - FACULTY TRAINERS
Trainers (PhD) mentors of teh supported trinee are active participants in this training grant's activities and are therefore required to:
- have received Mentor Training (a recent NIGMS mandate). Trainers can receive training through:
- Iowa Mentoring Academy (IMA). The next IMA session for faculty will be taking place in the Fall. Once dates have been determined, it will be announced widely across campus. Space is limited, please register early. If questions, please contact Jamie Thrams (jamie-thrams@uiowa.edu).
- completing an on-line workshop, such as the Univ. Minnesota Mentor Training or the EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course.
Mentor training must be completed (as certified by institutional letter or email). When completed, please forward confirmation to Linda Buckner (linda-buckner@uiowa.edu).
- attend all training grant sponsored luncheons each summer while their trainee is supported by the program.
- attend the Thursday workshop presentations of their trainees.
- attend the annual Pharmacological Sciences Training Grant Research Retreat.
- complete the semiannual Graduate Student Laboratory Performance Rubric in collaboration with trainee.
- present at least one lecture in either the Advanced Problem Solving in the Pharmacological Sciences (PCOL:6250) or Mastering Reproducible Science (PHAR:6504) courses on a topic related to scientific rigor and reproducibility and/or research ethics. Trainers will be contacted by course directors for scheduling during the appointment period. Please contact Stefan Strack (stefan-strack@uiowa.edu) or Dave Roman (david-roman@uiowa.edu) if you have questions.
- When requested, provide grant documents (either your own or from trainees in your research laboratory) for review by TG students in the Advanced Problem Solving course. Budget info is redacted but otherwise the TG students are given grants in their entirety to review. Students review the grants using NIH critique forms and participate in a mock study section, giving them hands-on experience with how to effectively evaluate grant applications and how NIH study sections operate.
Applications for the 2024-25 academic year will be available the week of May 1, 2024. Download application.
We anticipate 8 slots will be available.
Applications will be due Friday, May 24, 2024 and new appointees will be appointed July 1 - September 1, 2024.
Questions should be directed to Drs. Stefan Strack, (319) 384-4439, stefan-strack@uiowa.edu, or Dave Roman, (319) 335-6920, david-roman@uiowa.edu, Training Program Co-Directors, or Linda Buckner (319) 335-7946, linda-buckner@uiowa.edu