Address: 2310 PBDB
Phone: (319) 467-4941
Mentor: Seth Tomchik, PhD
Undergraduate Institution: Garden City University, India
Program: Pharmacology
Year Entered Into Program: 2022
Research Description
Laurienne Edgar, Naveed Akbar, Thomas Krausgruber, Héctor Gallart-Ayala, Jade Bailey, Alastair L. Corbin, Tariq E. Khoyratty, Joshua T. Chai, Mohammad Alkhalil, André F. Rendeiro, Klemen Ziberna, Ritu Arya, Thomas Cahill, Christoph Bock, Madeleine E. Lemieux, Niels P. Riksen, Mihai G. Netea, Craig E. Wheelock, Mark J. Crabtree, Irina A. Udalova, Ricardo Carnicer, Robin P. Choudhury. (2021) Hyperglycaemia-induced trained immunity in macrophages and their precursors promotes atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2021; 144:961-982
R. Carnicer, D. Duglan, K. Ziberna, A. Recalde, S. Reilly, J. Simon, S. Mafrici, Ritu Arya, E. Rosello-LLeti, S. Chuaiphichai, D. Tyler, C.A. Lygate, K.M. Channon, B. Casadei. (2021) BH4 increases nNOS activity and preserves left ventricular function in Diabetes. Circulation Research. 2021; 128:585-601