Snehajyoti Chatterjee, PhD

Address: 2400 PBDBPhoto of Snehaijyoti Chatterjee
Phone: (319) 353-4535

Mentor: Ted Abel, PhD

PhD Institution: University of Strasbourg

Research Description

To investigate the molecular mechanism through which transcription associated proteins contribute to long-term memory. My research uses mouse models to examine the role of transcription factors and epigenetic regulation of gene expression in defining how
transcription dysregulation can contribute to diseases associated with memory impairment.


  1. Chatterjee S, Walsh E, Yan A, Giese KP, Safe S and Abel T (2019) Pharmacological activation of Nr4a rescues age-associated memory decline. Neurobiol Aging pii: S0197-4580(19)30356-2.
  2. Chatterjee S*, Cassel R*, Schneider-Anthony A*, Merienne K, Cosquer B, Tzeplaeff T, Sinha SH, Kumar M, Chaturbedy P, Eswaramoorthy M, Gras SL, Keime C, Bousiges O, Dutar P, Petsophonsakul P, Rampon C, Cassel JC, Buée L, Blum D, Kundu TK and Boutillier AL (2018) Reinstating plasticity and memory in a tauopathy mouse model with an acetyltransferase activator. EMBO Mol Med 10(11). pii: e8587
  3. Chatterjee S*, Mizar P*, Cassel R*, Neidl R, Selvi BR, Mohankrishna DV, Vedamurthy BM, Schneider A, Bousiges O, Mathis C, Cassel JC, Eswaramoorthy M, Kundu TK and Boutillier AL (2013) Pharmacological activation of CBP/p300 acetyltransferases promotes neurogenesis and extends memory duration in adult mice.  J Neurosci. 33(26):10698-712
  4. Kersigo J, Pan N, Lederman JD, Chatterjee S, Abel T, Pavlinkova G, Silos-Santiago I, Fritzsch B (2018) A RNAscope whole mount approach that can be combined with immunofluorescence to quantify differential distribution of mRNA. Cell Tissue Res. 374(2):251-262.
  5. Bridi MS, Hawk JD, Chatterjee S, Safe S, Abel T (2016) Pharmacological Activators of the NR4A Nuclear Receptors Enhance LTP in a CREB/CBP-Dependent Fashion. Neuropsychopharmacology; 42(6):1243-1253
  6. Swaminathan A, Delage H, Chatterjee S, Belgarbi-Dutron L, Cassel R, Martinez N, Cosquer B, Kumari S, Mongelard F, Lannes B, Cassel JC, Boutillier AL, Bouvet P, Kundu TK (2016) Transcriptional Coactivator and Chromatin Protein PC4 Is Involved in Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Spatial Memory Extinction. J Biol Chem; 291(39):20303-14.
  7. Poplawski SG, Peixoto L, Porcari GS, Wimmer ME, McNally AG, Mizuno K, Giese KP, Chatterjee S, Koberstein JN, Risso D, Speed TP and Abel T (2016) Contextual Fear Conditioning Induces Differential Alternative Splicing. Neurobiol Learn Mem 134 Pt B:221-35
  8. Selvi RB, Swaminathan A, Chatterjee S, Shanmugam MK, Li F, Ramakrishnan GB, Siveen KS, Chinnathambi A, Zayed ME, Alharbi SA, Basha J, Bhat A, Vasudevan M, Dharmarajan A, Sethi G, Kundu TK (2015) Inhibition of p300 lysine acetyltransferase activity by luteolin reduces tumor growth in  head  and  neck  squamous  cell  carcinoma  (HNSCC)  xenograft  mouse  model.  Oncotarget. 6(41):43806-18
  9. Chaturbedy P, Kumar M, Salikolimi K, Das S, Sinha SH, Chatterjee S, Suma BS, Kundu TK, Eswaramoorthy M. (2015) Shape-directed compartmentalized delivery of a nanoparticle-conjugated small-molecule activator of an epigenetic enzyme in the brain. J Control Release.;217:151-9
  10. Srivastava S, Bhowmick K, Chatterjee S, Basha J, Kundu TK and Dhar SK (2014) Role of Histone H3 acetylation and ORC1 in the regulation of transcription in Plasmodium falciparum.  FEBS J, 281(23):5265-78
  11. Suresh, V, Chatterjee S, Modak R, Tiwari V, Patel A, Kundu T, Maji T. Oligo(p- phenyleneethynylene) (2014) Derived Porous Luminescent Nanoscale Coordination Polymer of GdIII: Bimodal Imaging and Nitroaromatic Sensing. J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (23): 12241–12249
  12. Sethi G*, Chatterjee S*, Rajendran P, Li F,. Shanmugam M K, Wong K F, Prem Kumar A, Senapati P, Behera AK, Hui KM, Basha J, Natesh N, Luk J M, Kundu T K (2014). Inhibition of STAT3 Dimerization and Acetylation by Garcinol Suppresses the Growth of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Vitro and in Vivo. Mol Cancer ;13(1):66.
  13. Chinnaswamy S, Chatterjee S, Boopathi R, Mukherjee S, Bhattacharjee S, Kundu TK (2013) A single nucleotide polymorphism associated with hepatitis C virus infections located in the distal region of the IL28B promoter influences NF-kB-mediated gene transcription PLoS ONE  8(10): e75495
  14. Li F, Shanmugam MK, Chen L, Chatterjee S, Basha J, Kumar AP, Kundu TK, Sethi G (2013) Garcinol, a polyisoprenylated benzophenone modulates multiple proinflammatory signaling cascades leading to the suppression of growth and survival of head and neck carcinoma. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 6(8):843-54.
  15. Majumder P, Banerjee A, Shandilya J, Senapati P, Chatterjee S, Kundu TK, Dasgupta D (2013) Minor   groove   binder   distamycin   remodels   chromatin   but   inhibits   transcription.   PLoS   One. 8(2):e57693
  16. Chaturbedy P, Chatterjee S, Selvi BR, Bhat A, Kavitha M.K., Tiwari V, Patel AB, Kundu TK, Maji TK, Eswaramoothy M. Brain Theranostics: Multifunctional carbon nanospheres with magnetic and luminescent probes. J. Mater. Chem. B, 1, 939-945. (Appeared in the cover page)
  17. Selvi BR*, Chatterjee S*, Jagadeesan D*, Chaturbedy P, Suma BS, Eswaramoorthy M and Kundu TK (2012) ATP driven Clathrin dependent entry of Carbon nanospheres prefer Cells with Glucose Receptors. J Nanobiotechnology.10(1):35
  18. Bachu M, Yalla S, Asokan M, Verma A, Neogi U, Sharma S, Murali RV, Mukthey AB, Bhatt R, Chatterjee S, Rajan RE, Cheedarla N, Yadavalli VS, Mahadevan A, Shankar SK, Rajagopalan N, Shet A, Saravanan S, Balakrishnan P, Solomon S, Vajpayee M, Satish KS, Kundu TK, Jeang KT, Ranga U (2012) Multiple NF-κB sites in HIV-1 subtype C long terminal repeat confer superior magnitude of transcription and thereby the enhanced viral predominance. J Biol Chem.;287(53):44714-35.
  19. Debnath S, Chatterjee S, Arif M, Kundu TK, Roy S, (2011) Peptide-Protein Interactions Suggest That Acetylation of Lysines 381 and 382 of p53 Is Important for Positive Coactivator 4-p53 Interaction. J Biol Chem. 286(28):25076-87.
  20. Gadad SS, Rajan RE, Senapati P, Chatterjee S, Shandilya J, Dash PK, Ranga U and Kundu TK (2011) HIV-1 infection induces acetylation of NPM1 which facilitates Tat localization and enhances viral transactivation. J Mol Biol. 410 (5):997-1007.
  21. Gadad SS, Senapati P, Syed SH, Rajan RE, Shandilya J, Swaminathan V, Chatterjee S, Colombo E, Dimitrov S, Pelicci PG, Ranga U, Kundu TK (2011) The Multifunctional Protein Nucleophosmin (NPM1) Is a Human Linker Histone H1 Chaperone. Biochemistry. 50(14):2780-9

Scientific Reviews

  1. Chatterjee S and Abel T (2016) To Stay Happy, Keep Your SIRT1 Active. Biol Psychiatry 80(11):808-809 (commentary article).
  2. Gaine ME, Chatterjee S, Abel T (2018) Sleep Deprivation and the Epigenome. Front Neural Circuits; 12:14.
  3. Schneider A, Chatterjee S, Bousiges O, Selvi BR, Swaminathan A, Cassel R, Blanc F, Kundu TK, Boutillier   AL (2013)   Acetyltransferases (HATs) as Targets for Neurological Therapeutics. Neurotherapeutics. 10(4):568-88
  4. Chatterjee S, Gadad S S and Kundu TK (2010). Atomic Force Microscopy: A tool to unveil the mystery of Biological Systems. Resonance 15: 622-42.

Book Chapters

  1. Chatterjee S and Abel T (2016) Transcriptional regulation of memory formation. Learning and memory:  A Comprehensive Reference 2E
  2. Chatterjee S*, Senapati P*, Kundu TK (2012) Post-translational modifications of lysine in DNA damage repair. Essays Biochem. 52(1):93-111
  3. Selvi BR*, Chatterjee S*, Modak R, Eswaramoorthy M and Kundu TK. (2012) Histone Acetylation as a Therapeutic Target. Subcell Biochem. Epigenetics, Development and Disease (Springer) 61:567-96
  4. Kaypee S, Mandal S, Chatterjee S and Kundu TK.  Emerging Epigenetic Therapies:  Lysine Acetyltransferase Inhibitors. Epigenetic Cancer Therapy, Elsevier (Book chapter) Pages 471–494
  5. Kumari S, Swaminathan A, Chatterjee S, Senapati P, Boopathi R and Kundu TK. (2012) Chromatin Organization, Epigenetics and Differentiation: An evolutionary perspective. Subcell Biochem, Epigenetics Development and Disease (Springer) 61:3-35


  • Title of the Invention:  Histone Acetyltransferase (HAT) Activator Composition and Process Thereof. Inventors: Kundu T. K., Boutillier A.L., Chatterjee S., Eswarmoorthy M., Mizar P., Mathis C., Cassel J. C., Neidl R., D. V. Mohankrishna., Vedamurthy B. M. Patent # WO/2013/1608585A1, #US9314539 B2, International Publication No. WO/2013/160885 A1