Shared departmental equipment and facilities include scintillation and gamma counters, high-speed and ultracentrifuges, a phosphor-imager, a fluorescence imager, scanning densitometer, spectrophotometers,gas and liquid high-performance chromatographs, epi-illumnation flourescence microscopes, cell and tissue culture facilities, radiolabeling facilities, and a wide variety of physiological recording instruments (providing, for example, extracellular and intracellular recording/patch clamp capability, miniaturized pulsed-Doppler flow probes, and closed-circuit television microscopy).
Inventory of Shared Equipment
Inventory List
Microplate Readers/Luminometers |
Imaging and Film Developing Systems |
Thermal Cyclers and Spectrophotometers |
Microscopy and Accessory Equipment |
Animal Behavioral Testing and Stereotactic Equipment |
Autoclaves, Dishwashers, Water Purification Systems, etc. |
Main Office Equipment |