Date | Speaker | Talk Title |
1/9/13 | Mark Yorek, PhD, University of Iowa |
New advances in the study of diabetic neuropathy |
2/6/13 | Chad Grueter, PhD, University of Iowa |
Cardiac Regulation of Systemic Metabolism |
2/13/13 |
Lyse Norian, PhD, University of Iowa Justin Grobe, PhD, University of Iowa |
Obesity Impairs Immunity to Renal Tumors Angiotensin AT1A Receptors are Required for the Metabolic and Cardiovascular Effects of Leptin |
3/6/13 | David Ludwig, MD, PhD, Harvard University |
An Integrative, Family-Based Approach to Childhood Obesity |
3/13/13 |
Matthew Potthoff, PhD, University of Iowa Barbara Baquero, PhD, University of Iowa |
FGF21: From Famine to Feast Partnering with communities to prevent and control obesity |
4/10/13 | Jay Horton, MD, University of Texas Southwestern |
Molecular Mediators of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
5/1/13 | Sonia Caprio, MD, Yale University |
The development of type 2 diabetes in youth: a growing challenge |
5/8/13 |
Lucas Carr, PhD, University of Iowa Brandon Davies, PhD, University of Iowa |
Redesigning Sedentary Environments for Health Promotion The Super Secret Shadow Organ that Facilitates Fat Metabolism |
8/21/13 |
Yuriy Usachev, PhD, University of Iowa Dawn Quelle, PhD, University of Iowa |
Targeting Mitochondrial Fission and Fusion Processes for Neuroprotection in Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy Role of RABL6A, a novel pancreatic protein, in diabetes and obesity |
8/28/13 |
Chadi Calarge, MD, University of Iowa Gary Pierce, PhD, University of Iowa |
Examining Peripheral Mechanisms of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain: a Gut Microbiome Study Inflammation Inhibition for Vascular and Autonomic Dysfunction in Obese Prediabetic Humans |
9/4/13 | Isaac Samuel, MD, University of Iowa |
THE SCALPEL IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PILL: Surgical Weight Reduction versus Medical Weight Management for Severe Obesity |
9/18/13 |
Anne Kwitek, PhD, University of Iowa Kamal Rahmouni, PhD, University of Iowa |
Effects of Genetics and Dietary Fat on the Metabolic Syndrome in Lyon Rats Molecular Basis of Insulin Resistance in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome |
9/25/13 |
Andrew Norris, MD, PhD, University of Iowa Leonid Zingman, MD, University of Iowa |
Molecular Basis of Insulin Resistance in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Musclin- a Novel Exercise-Induced Myokine: Potential Role in Adipose Tissue Mobilization |
10/2/13 | David Mangelsdorf, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern |
Regulation of nutrient metabolism by FGF21 |
10/9/13 | Joel Elmquist, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern |
Unraveling the CNS Pathways Regulating Energy Balance and Glucose Homeostasis |
10/23/13 | Rohit Kulkarni, MD, PhD, Harvard University |
Approaches to Promote Beta-Cell Regeneration to Counter Diabetes |
11/6/13 | Jeffery Pessin, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
NF-kB signaling in adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance |
11/7/13 | Steven Blair, PED, University of South Carolina |
Fitness or Fatness: Which Is More Important for Health? |
11/13/13 | Brian Finck, PhD, Washington University |
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants to Gain a Better View of Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism |
11/20/13 | Yu-Hua Tseng, PhD, Harvard University |
Of mice and men: insights into brown fat and energy metabolism |
12/4/13 | Paul Grimsrud, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Leveraging proteomics and biochemistry to understand post-translational control of mitochondria in type 2 diabetes |
12/11/13 | Dianne Stanton Ward, EdD, University of North Carolina |
Changing Environments to Ensure Healthy Physical Activity in Young Children |
12/18/13 | Amnon Schlegel, MD, PhD, University of Utah |
Passing through a ketone body transporter: from a genetic screen for zebrafish hepatic steatosis mutants to identifying inhibitors of HMG-Coenzyme A reductase |