New Faculty Appointments

Since 2011, 14 new faculty engaged in obesity research have been recruited (14 official OREI recruits) by departments in the Carver College of Medicine, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Public Health, College of Nursing, and Tippie College of Business. The new faculty listed below have received 10 new R01s and multiple other grants and awards.

Lucas Carr, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Heath and Human Physiology
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Research Interests: Technology-based approaches to reducing sedentary behaviors,
Socioenvironmental influences of physical activity and sedentary behaviors


Huxing Cui, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Brain control of appetite and metabolism


Brandon Davies, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: The role of endothelial cells in lipid metabolism


David Frisvold, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Tippie College of Business
Research Interests: Health economics, school-based public policies, food assistance programs, food pricing strategies, soft drink taxes.


Dr. Ruth Grossmann

Ruth Grossmann, RN, MS, PhD

Assistant Professor
College of Nursing
Research Interests: Nutritional metabolomics of obesity and its treatment


Chad Grueter, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Energy homeostatis


Vitor Lira, PhD 

Assistant Professor
Department of Health and Human Physiology
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Research Interests: Skeletal muscle biology and its influence in whole-body metabolic homeostasis


Mohamad Mokadem, MD

Mohamad Mokadem, MD

Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Understanding the mechanism of energy and metabolic regulation after bariatric surgery in rodents


Matthew J. Potthoff, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Regulation of metabolic homeostasis


Julien Sebag, PhD

Assistant Professor
Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Identifying new proteins and pathways involved in the control of energy homeostasis


Eric Taylor, PhD

Associate Professor
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics 
Carver College of Medicine
Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial function and their relationship to disease
