Behavioral / Population-oreinted

Trudy Burns, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology

Research Interests: Muscatine Study Longitudinal Body Habitus and Adult CV Outcomes
Lucas Carr, PhD
Associate Professor of Health and Human Physiology

Research Interests: Behavioral interventions to prevent and treat obesity
A. Kim Johnson, PhD Alan Kim Johnson, PhD
F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Physiological & Brain Sciences

Research Interests: Salt Craving; Obesity-Induced Sensitization of the Hypertensive Response
Jessica Smith, MD
Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery - Gastrointestinal, Minimally invasive and Bariatric Surgery

Research Interests: Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery and Lean Muscle Mass
Linda Snetselaar, PhD Linda Snetselaar, PhD
Professor and Chair, Preventive Nutrition Education
Associate Provost, Outreach and Engagement
Robert Wallace, MD
Professor of Epidemiology

Research Interests: Obesity as a risk factor for clinical outcomes/ health status