Charles Adrian Michael Hogben was born in 1921. He received his BS in 1941 and his M.D. in 1943 from The University of Wisconsin and went on to complete an internship in Philadelphia General Hospital. In 1950 he obtained a Ph.D. from Minnesota and worked from 1950-1951 in Zoophysiological Laboratory (Ussing), Copenhagen. In 1951-1957 he was a Medical Officer at the National Heart Institute in Bethesda, Maryland in Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism. Dr. Hogben served as Professor and Executive Officer in Physiology at George Washington University in Washington D.C. until he joined The University of Iowa as Professor and Head of the Physiology and Biophysics Department in 1961.
Dr. Hogben's goals were to: improve the quality of undergraduate teaching, revise the graduate program, and renovate the physical quarters of the Department, which were located in the Medical Laboratories Building. His first step in improving the quality of undergraduate teaching was the purchase of modern teaching equipment (Gilson Polygraphs, Radioactive isotope counters, and scalers), which was first used in the Medical Physiology course in the Spring of 1962.
Renovation of physical quarters included: teaching laboratories, office for departmental secretarial staff, a new office for the Department Head, and a new research lab for the Department Head.
In addition to renovation, the dominant concern of Dr. Hogben was the recruitment of senior faculty. The first important addition to the faculty was the appointment of Dr. F.P.J. Diecke as Professor in 1963. Also joining the department was Dr. Margaret Westecker.
Attempts to consolidate all teaching into three principal courses were made: Elementary, Intermediate and Advance, to avoid fragmentation. In the Graduate Program, beginning in 1963, an extramural examiner was included in the final thesis defense committee.
Dr. G. Edgar Folk Jr. was granted a leave of absence for one year to work at the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory in Fairbanks Alaska, effective September 1, 1964.
At a faculty meeting concerning the open cardiovascular position on the Departmental Faculty, it was decided that the Department needed a respiration scientist more than it needed a cardiovascular one. It was voted to contact Dr. Jay Farber to fill the vacancy. On April 8, 1971, University of Iowa President Boyd approved Farber's appointment.
Changes were made in the Core Medical course 72:212 to emphasize human pathophysiology over general physiology. Participatory laboratory experiments were virtually abandoned, with the exception of an acute dog experiment.
On April 26, 1973 a dedication was held for the new Basic Sciences Building, Bowen Science Building, which continues to be the location of the Basic Science Departments.
Dr. C.A.M. Hogben resigned as Head of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics effective July 1, 1973. Dr. F.P.J. Diecke was appointed as Acting Head of the Department. An External Review Committee, made up of 19 people, was formed to review the state of affairs in the Department. After the completion of this project the committee acted as a Search Committee for a new head and was chaired by Dr. Michael Brody (Pharmacology).
An Internal Review Committee was created to review the administrative structure of the Department.