Graduate Studies

graduate studies

The graduate program in Molecular Physiology and Biophysics offers opportunities for training and research leading to a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Science (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics). Faculty in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics have a strong research focus on the cellular, molecular, and physical mechanisms of physiological processes. Students join an active group of faculty members and advanced students at an exciting time of expanding interdisciplinary biomedical research at The University of Iowa. During the first and second years, students take courses and participate in faculty research in one or more laboratories. After satisfying course and comprehensive examination requirements, students devote their full time to thesis research under faculty supervision. 

Graduate students come to the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics from diverse backgrounds and a variety of undergraduate institutions both domestic and foreign such as the University of California system, MIT, Brown University, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, and University of Southern California, as well as foreign countries including Thailand, Ukraine, China and Korea. Students looking for a quality program will find a history of productive departmental faculty with an outstanding ability to prepare students for a successful career in biomedical research, education or industry. Most students join our program because of a desire to conduct research with a particular faculty member or because of their interest in one of the research areas emphasized by our faculty within the department.

Nearly all of our graduating students move on to postdoctoral positions at institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, Yale, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Chicago, and many obtain positions in academic departments within 3-5 years following completion of their Ph.D. In addition, graduates will find there are a wide variety of positions available with government agencies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms, biomedical writing & publishing companies, consulting firms, and in business development and sales. A degree in Biomedical Science (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics) easily crosses borders by providing students with broad training giving them the edge in the job market.

Our faculty take a personal interest in ensuring the success of our students while they are enrolled in our graduate program, as well as on the long-term ability of students to move ahead to challenging and rewarding employment opportunities.


For more information, you may contact any faculty member by email or contact our Director of Graduate Studies at:

Mark Stamnes, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies

5-612 Bowen Science Building
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: (319) 335-7858
Fax: (319) 335-7330