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The American Physiological Society APStracts

APStracts is published electronically on a weekly basis by The American Physiological Society. APStracts is an on-line (electronic) periodic notice of current research scheduled to be published in the journals of The American Physiological Society. The abstracts published in APStracts are of articles that have been accepted for publication in APS journals. Articles are not scheduled for a specific issue when they are accepted, and abstracts may appear in APStracts as much as 4 months prior to the print publication of the article. Dates of manuscript submission and acceptance for publication are included with the abstract.

A searchable and browsable index of neuroscience resources available on the Internet: Neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases.

National Institutes of Health

This WWW Server is a network based computer service operated by the Division of Computer Research and Technology (DCRT) to distribute information for and about the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This server provides Internet access to information about NIH health and clinical issues, NIH funded grants and research projects, and a variety of research resources in support of NIH intramural scientists. This server is designed to compliment the NIH Gopher server, and for the most part both servers provide access to the same information.

National Center for Biotechnology Information

National Library of Medicine

This site provides links to information about the National Library of Medicine, current events at the NLM and National Institute of Health (NIH), and how to contact people at these institutions. There are also links to other on-line services provided by the NlM, NIH, and other biological information services. Research and development activities are also posted. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) main page links to information about eleven of the related institutes, agencies, and offices. Current issues and announcements are also posted here, along with MMWR press summaries. Informational pages about disease, health risks, and prevention strategies are also linked to the main site. 

Physiology Online

Physiology Online is the electronic information service of The Physiological Society. It contains interactive contents for searching through all journals produced by the Physiological Society on a per field basis. There are also links to grant information, other physiological sites, and a noticeboard for upcoming events.

The World Lecture Hall

The World Lecture Hall is a service provided by the Web Team at the University of Texas in Austin. This page contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc. A form is provided to add your own materials as well.

Society for Neuroscience

The Society for Neuroscience is the world's largest organization of scientists and physicians dedicated to understanding the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. It contains information about the society, neuroscience news releases, announcements, and activities of the society.