Division of Body Imaging

Headshot of Catie Metz

Catie Metz, MD

Interim Director

Computed Tomography

High-resolution multi-detector CT is offered for diagnostic studies of all parts of the patient’s body, including chest, abdomen, and pelvis. In addition to tailored exams for liver, pancreatic and renal tumors, diagnostic biopsy of lesions with fluoroscopic CT guidance is available. The volumetric acquisition of the CT also allows for three-dimensional reconstructions for surgical planning in such settings as oncology and organ transplant. Newer applications such as CT colonography for failed colonoscopy and CT enterography are also available.

Gastrointestinal Radiology

A full range of gastrointestinal fluoroscopic procedures is offered, including double contrast upper and lower gastrointestinal radiography with special studies, such as enteroclysis and defecography.

Genitourinary Radiology

A full range of genitourinary radiologic techniques is offered including intravenous urograms, hysterosalpingography, which is performed in conjunction with the obstetricians, and voiding cystourethrograms.


The ultrasound service offers all non-cardiac patient diagnostic services. All sonographers are RDMS certified and the facility is certified with the American College of radiology. The highly advanced imaging suite includes color doppler, cine imaging, and electronic network capabilities. Procedures performed include ultrasound-guided needle biopsy and aspiration services of the neck, thyroid, chest, abdomen and subcutaneous tissues.

Body MRI

The Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) section performs tailored, state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging of the breast, heart, chest, abdomen, pelvis, prostate, and blood vessels. The MRI center has 1.5T MRI scanners and a 3T scanner. A second 3T scanner is dedicated to clinical research. Studies are performed by experienced MRI technologists and interpreted by subspecialty-trained radiology physicians. The diagnostic imaging services help physicians to evaluate the following: tumors of the liver, kidneys, adrenals, and pancreas; diseases of the pancreaticobiliary tree (MRCP); prostate cancer (endorectal coil MRI); tumors of the female reproductive system; adult and congenital heart disease (endorectal coil MRI); tumors of the female reproductive system; adult and congenital heart disease (in conjunction with Cardiology); breast cancer, including MR-guided breast biopsy and needle localization; MR angiography of peripheral vascular disease and renal artery stenosis; and MR venography of deep vein clots and venous occlusion.