Job Shadowing | Radiation Sciences Programs

Job Shadowing

Job shadows are available ONLY to students that:

  • Are at least 18 years of age (individuals under 18 years of age may contact the program via email and arrange a tour of the facility and program in lieu of direct patient care observation),
  • Have or are planning to apply to the UI Radiation Sciences Programs,
  • Are free of communicable diseases and agree to complete and sign the Communicable Disease Screening Form,
  • Agree to sign the Job Shadow Confidentiality Form,
  • Comply with the UI Health Care Professional Appearance Policy and dress code requirement below, and
  • Are respectful with patients and others at all times.
  • In addition, it is recommended to eat within one hour of the job shadow. Students have fainted during their shadowing experience. Please eat to minimize this risk.

Requesting a Job Shadowing Opportunity

Job shadow visits are provided upon request. The job shadow dates fill quickly and on a first come first serve basis. We cannot guarantee availability of job shadow visits. We recommend scheduling a visit early in the semester. Available days and times vary between sub-programs; visit the specific sub-program link for specific information.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program:

Radiation Therapy Program:

Radiologic Technology Program:

Nuclear Medicine Technology Program:

Communicable Disease Screening Form and Declaration of Patient Information Confidentiality

Job shadowing visitors must complete and sign the Communicable Disease Screening Form and the Job Shadow Confidentiality Form and return them to the program prior to your job shadow. The forms should be completed and emailed to the person who arranged your job shadow one day prior to your visit.

Clothing Attire Requirements

Job shadowing visitors must follow the dress code below. There are NO exceptions. Candidates failing to meet this dress code will not be allowed to shadow.

  • Must wear a VISITOR ID badge above the waist, without attachments, immediately visible to patients, visitors, and other staff. ID badge will be provided upon arrival at University of Iowa Health Care.
  • Grooming/Personal Hygiene:
    • Visitor must be physically clean, well groomed, and take steps to prevent and/or address problems of offensive body odor, cigarette or cigar smoke, etc. Visitor is to avoid perfume or other scents to promote a fragrance-free environment. Fragrances may be offensive, cause allergic, or other adverse reactions for patients, visitors, staff, or others.
    • Visitor hairstyles (and/or color) and facial hair should not interfere with the work environment and patient care or pose a threat of infection or physical hazard.
  • Jewelry/Adornments/Tattoos:
    • The wearing of jewelry, scarves, and accessories must not interfere with assigned duties and must not pose an infection threat or physical hazard to the patient, self, or another person.
    • Tattoos, piercings, and body art with wording, images, or placement (e.g., tongue) that are inappropriate or offensive in a professional work environment must be covered or removed during work time.
  • Clothing/Footwear/Uniforms:
    • Clothing must be neat, clean and free from offending odors.
    • Must not wear hospital scrubs/lab coats which may give the perception of medical training, competency, or employment by UI Health Care.
    • Appropriate clean and closed toe footwear such as athletic shoes, dress shoes/boots are required in all patient areas. Comfortable shoes are recommended.  You will be on your feet most of the day.
      • NO open-toed shoes/boots, beach type shoes, flip-flops, or bedroom slippers.
  • Apparel
    • Appropriate attire includes dress slacks or casual pants (khaki or other color).
      • Shorts, blue denim jean pants of any length, scrub pants, and exercise or workout clothing, including sweatpants, yoga pants, spandex or leggings are NOT considered appropriate attire. Denim jean pants in colors other than blue are acceptable if they are clean, and in good condition with no holes, ragged hems, or patches. No stonewashed or faded denim jeans of any color.
    • Appropriate attire includes dress shirts or casual shirts.
      • NO scrub tops, T-shirts, or sweatshirts, especially those with writing or logos. Tank tops, halter tops, or crop tops that leave the midriff or back exposed with arms extended are inappropriate attire in light of the desire to be patient centered.
    • No apparel with images, wording or logos that may be perceived as inappropriate, unprofessional, or offensive to patients, families, or others.
    • No clothing that is too tight or too short; nothing that exposes cleavage, undergarments, mid-section, underwear, or buttocks.
    • No caps or hats, unless worn for medical or religious reasons.
    • Noncompliance with this dress code may result in a request to change into appropriate attire before beginning the job shadow or having to reschedule your job shadow.

Directions & Lodging

Park in any available Hospital Ramp 1 - 4 located near the University of Iowa Health Care Medical Center. Directions to the radiation sciences program locations, University of Iowa Health Care Medical Center, and lodging information can be found on the contact page.