Bariatric Fellowship Program
The Division of Gastrointestinal, Minimally-invasive and Bariatric Surgery offers a one-year Bariatric Fellowship, which is accredited by the Fellowship Council and has been since 2008. This program is an attractive one due to the significant amount of operative exposure available, and the UI Obesity Surgery Program, which takes a multi-disciplinary team approach to care for patients. Additionally, our previous fellows have presented abstracts at annual meetings of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and have been successful in their careers following completion of the fellowship.
Breast Surgery Fellowship Program
The University of Iowa Department of Surgery has offered a Breast Surgery Fellowship since 2007. The Breast Fellowship Program is offered by the Department of Surgery's Division of Surgical Oncology. The Breast Cancer Program is part of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, a nationally designated NCI center, and is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team dedicated to the improvement of breast cancer care.
Burn Fellowship Program
The Division of Trauma, Burns, and Surgical Critical Care offers a one year Burn Surgery Fellowship. The goal of this program is to provide the trainee with an in-depth experience in the management of the entire spectrum of burn and complex wound care in the setting of a large university teaching hospital. The successful trainee will have experience involving burn and complex wound treatment, burn reconstruction, burn related research, and prevention. Although there is no independent Burn Fellowship accreditation, a second fellowship year of Surgical Critical Care is encouraged, allowing the trainee to sit for the American Board of Surgery Examination in Surgical Critical Care.
Pediatric Surgery Fellowship
Newly accredited Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program is the first of its kind in Iowa
The Pediatric Surgery two-year fellowship will provide general surgeons with the additional clinical expertise necessary to care for the entire scope of pediatric surgical patients, including neonatal and pediatric critical care, trauma, cardiology, gastrointestinal, urology, and general surgery. Fellows also learn to master techniques to operate on anomalies in the smallest patients: newborns. UI Department of Surgery Division of Pediatric Surgery will accept one fellow every two years, who will train with the department’s four pediatric surgeons as well as a pediatric intensivist and a pediatric neonatologist.
Plastic Surgery Fellowship
The Independent Plastic Surgery training program at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics is an ACGME accredited independent program that has one trainee in each year of the three years of the program. The program is designed to broadly educate trainees in the art and science of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and to develop highly competent, inquisitive and responsible Plastic Surgeons. The training curriculum has been constructed to provide the skills to be successful in any type of practice that the trainee decides to pursue.
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program
The Division of Acute Care Surgery Service offers an one year ACGME-accredited Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program. The core curriculum will consist of a 12-month clinical fellowship in the Surgical Critical Intensive Care Service, the time of which is divided into 13 four-week blocks. All trainees will spend at least 6 blocks in the SICU, and then rotate to other intensive care units which provide extended educational experiences suited to the need of the fellow. Each trainee will be required to complete a minimum of nine blocks of time in the critical care setting, three blocks of time in elective unit, with one block of time reserved for vacation (3 weeks) and meetings (1 week).
Transplantation Fellowship Program
The University of Iowa Organ Transplant Center offers a two-year American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) accredited kidney fellowship. This program is well rounded, performing over 100 kidney transplants annually including liver donor and pediatric transplants. In addition, the Organ Transplant Center performs over 40 adult and pediatric liver transplants, 10-15 pancreas transplants, over 50 major HPB cases and 30-40 access cases annually.
Vascular Fellowship Program
The Division of Vascular Surgery offers a two year Vascular Fellowship program to accommodate the evolving needs for training in endovascular surgery and the noninvasive vascular laboratory. The goal of our program is to provide the trainee with a broad in-depth experience in the management of vascular diseases in the setting of a large university hospital complex and a Veteran Administration Medical Center-Hospital complex. Our fellowship has been approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education since its inception. Our program graduates one resident trainee per year.