Congratulations to our latest Lunsford Award winners!

Congratulations to Jocquil Givens, Jose Rios-Monterrosa and Timothy Sevcik, recipients of the 2021-2022 Margaret V. Lunsford Award. The Lunsford Award is granted to senior Department of Anesthesia externs with high academic success and who demonstrate potential to contribute to the specialty of anesthesiology. Each of the awardees will receive a $10,000 scholarship from the University of Iowa Center for Advancement. If they match as an anesthesiology resident at Iowa, they will receive an additional $10,000 cash award when they begin residency.

Margaret Vanderwilt Lunsford, an anesthesiologist whose career spanned more than three decades, created the Margaret Vanderwilt Lunsford Scholarship Fund through the UI Center for Advancement (formerly known as the University of Iowa Foundation) in 1985. The fund became endowed in the 1990s following her death.

Jocquil Givens Jocquil Givens     Jose Rios-Monterrosa Jose Rios-Monterrosa     Timothy Sevcik Timothy Sevcik

Congratulations to the award winners, and to all our 2021-2022 externs:

2021-2022 Externs

Thursday, June 24, 2021