Jonathan Simmons, DO, wins 2018 Best Consulting Provider Award

Jonathan Simmons, DO, was honored with the 2018 Best Consulting Provider Award from University of Iowa Physicians. Dr. Simmons, who chairs the UI Hospitals & Clinics Emergency Management Subcommittee, was a key consultant in creation of the hospital’s Special Isolation Unit (SIU), which was created to care for extremely infectious patients (such as those with Ebola virus infection), and serves as its medical director. He is board-certified in disaster medicine and holds a Master of Science degree in biosecurity and disaster preparedness.

Dr. Simmons was pleased to receive the award, but notes that his real reward is the work itself.

“I would do this work without ever being recognized,” he said. “But it makes you feel so good that somebody looks at that and appreciates the work you’re doing for the University.”

With the creation of the SIU, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics was designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a State Designated Ebola Treatment Center and now also serves as the back up to the University of Nebraska Biocontainment Center for Region VII, which covers Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Watch a video of Dr. Simmons talking about his work and the award here

Wednesday, October 17, 2018