Presenters 2014

Name Mentor   Talk Title Future Plans
Gabriel Baccam  Wallrath Modeling Skin Blistering Disease in Drosophila Continue doing research for another year or so and then apply for medical school 
Reid Brown Elcock Investigation of Nucleoside Nucleoside Interactions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation  Enroll in a one year science master’s program and then medical school
Zac Builta Weeks Purification and assay of enzymatic activity of phage ΦC31 integrase protein using a protein splicing system: Isolation of an enzyme to make transgenic frogs Begin a one to two year research assistant position at the University of Iowa Molecular Otalaryngology and Renal Research Laboratories. I will be applying for medical school, graduate school, and MSTP during this time.  
Sophia Chen DeMali Vinculin-actin interactions in cell migration Attend the College of Dentistry at the University of Iowa this upcoming fall
Lisa Golden Fuentes Exploring the Specificities, Thermodynamics, and Structures of Tiam2 PDZ Mutants I will be going to graduate school after graduation
Frances Hindt Fuentes Characterizing the Tiam1-Talin Complex Next year I'm attending medical school at Creighton University College of Medicine 
Kyle Klingbeil Brenner Use of nicotinamide riboside to oppose the development of alcoholic fatty liver in the mouse Attend Medical School at the University of Miami
Dagan Marx Shea Recognition of Human Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels by Calmodulin Post-graduation I will be getting my PhD at Johns Hopkins University in the Program for Molecular Biophysics 
Ebosetale Okoruwa Wold High Throughput Assay for RPA-Protein Interactions I will be attending the dentistry school here at the University of Iowa
Oluwatoni Olayiwola  Elcock Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Conformational Behavior of Tripeptides in Aqueous Solution  The current plan is to spend a year teaching English in a French secondary school before returning to apply to graduate school in the biological sciences 
Michael Schrodt Elcock Conformational Flexibility of Short Single-Stranded DNA and RNA Systems Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation  I plan on working in the chemistry or pharmaceutical industry for a few years, then go to medical school and become an Army doctor. 
Dylan Thiemann Elcock GPU accelerated computing and its role in Brownian Dynamic simulations This summer I have a software development internship at Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, MO. After graduation I plan to go into software development.