Presenters 2012

Name Mentor Talk Title Future Plans
Ashley Angell DeMali Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Vinculin Regulates Cell-Matrix Adhesion PhD Program in Neurobiology & Behavior at the University of Washington
Chelsea Khaw DeMali The Role of the B3 Integrin in Melanoma Resistance to Chemotherapy Continue research and apply to medical school
James Min Zabner (Pulmonary) Organ-specific Expression of a Transgenic Human Lactonase in Drosophila melanogaster Hopes to attend medical school at the University of Iowa
Emma Nash Monick (Internal Medicine) Smoking Alters Dicer Expression in Human Alveoler Macrophages Medical School, University of Illinois - Chicago
Luke Prest Weeks Separating Functional Domains of Cardiac Transcription Factors by Construction of Chimeric Proteins Medical school, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Hyun Soo (Lisa) Ryu Khademi Mechanisms of Urea Conduction in Urea Channel Applying to dental school
Austin Stark Elcock Molecular Simulations of Weak Protein-protein Interactions Applying to medical school