
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology regularly gets announcements from organizations outside the University describing opportunities for undergraduates. These include opportunities for research experience (including summer research programs), education, or professional development. This message board lists these announcements as we receive them. For more information, please contact the website or individual listed.

Special Seminar With The State Hygienic Laboratory

Please join the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club & the Microbiology Undergraduate Student Association on Wednesday, September 25th, from 4:00 – 5:00 PM in 1117 MERF for a special seminar with The State Hygienic Laboratory.

During this seminar, you will learn more about STEM careers in public health, including environmental testing and newborn screening, with a representative of the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory.

Interested in working in Pharma or academia?

Curious about research applying lipid nanoparticles, polymers, cells, and viruses to deliver therapies for cancer, infectious & autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular conditions, and neurodegenerative diseases? Check out the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy's Division of Pharmacoengineering & Molecular Pharmaceutics (DPMP). Their students are from backgrounds like Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. DPMP is the only graduate program concentrated solely on delivery of pharmaceuticals and vaccines (drug delivery) and they focus on translating therapies from bench to beside, with several faculty having spun out our tech to startup companies. More information can be found here: https://pharmacy.unc.edu/divisions/dpmp/ 

They are part of the #1 US School of Pharmacy. PhD students are supported at $35,000+/yr stipend plus tuition, fees, and health insurance without a teaching assistant requirement. Students have the option of selecting labs after performing rotations. Their facilities are state of the art buildings and core research facilities all surrounded by the Research Triangle comprised of big and small Pharma, major universities, and other research institutions.

They will have a Zoom information session about their PhD program on Thursday, October 10th, at 6 pm Eastern time. It is open to everyone, and you can register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwpcuypqT0tHdV4QFRxKhZpjYmsxXSWB-5U#/registration

After the event, a recording of the webinar will be available on their website (https://pharmacy.unc.edu/education/phd/drug-delivery/phd-program/) and last year’s webinar is already posted.

Submit a question to be answered at the webinar here:  https://forms.gle/UnuBnt5Vuyb5a7j1A

Science, Health & Sustainability Career Fair

When: Tuesday, October 8th, 4:00-6:00 PM, International Ballroom (2nd floor), IMU

Students will Explore + Connect with:

  • Life science, health science & sustainability companies
  • Internship/full-time positions
  • Graduate and service programs  
  • Research and volunteer opportunities

Register in Handshake to stay up to date with changes/list (not required to participate though!)

Check-in at Ballroom Lobby in Iowa Memorial Union

  • Bring your Student ID, copies of your resume and Dress for Success! *If you are in need of free professional attire, please visit the Clothing Closet at Iowa, G200 (ground floor) of the Iowa Memorial Union.

Parking will be busy this day. IMU Ramp and North Ramp might be full - build in extra time for parking.

Download the Handshake app in advance to navigate the Fair and research employers in advance! (available for download on both iOS and Android)

Need some help on how to network with employers? Read our networking tips here!

Additional information: 

Update Your Resume and talk with a Peer or a Career Coach - connect virtually and schedule an appointment on MYUI. 

Join the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club!

Join the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club! We are a community of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors at the University of Iowa here to help you succeed. We have events throughout the year geared towards academic success and support, professional development, fostering valuable relationships with department faculty, and much more!

Some of our events include:

  • Picnic with Graduate Students
  • Undergraduate Research Poster Sessions
  • Professor Presentations and Q&A
  • Undergraduate Researcher Shadowing
  • Study Groups and Tutoring
  • Science Movie Night/Game Night

If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to our club officers! Contact information can be found on our webpage.

Undergraduate Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)

Are you looking for a unique educational experience as you prepare for professional or graduate school?

The CCTS has 16 credit hours of coursework and many of these classes are already taken by science or pre-health professions students. These hours include URES:3001 which provides an introduction to Translational Research (offered in Fall) and URES:3002 which is a practicum in Clinical and Translational Science (offered in Spring). URES:3002 includes 12-14 hours of shadowing a clinician with which you are paired based on research and career interests. These 2 courses must be taken in sequence. Upon completion, the certificate is added to your transcript.

More information and a link to the application can be found at Undergraduate Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science | Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (uiowa.edu). If you have questions about the program, please contact jamie-thrams@uiowa.edu or donna-santillan@uiowa.edu

PULSe Fall Open House - September 27, 2024

Undergraduate and master’s students are invited to attend the PULSe Fall Open House on September 27, 2024. This open house serves as an opportunity to introduce students to the Purdue University Interdisciplinary Life Science Ph.D. Program (PULSe).  PULSe provides opportunities for an interdisciplinary graduate experience in the basic life sciences for Ph.D. students.

Our day of activities will include a meeting faculty and alumni, lunch with current students, and a tour of lab facilities. Students will gain exposure to some of the current life science research at Purdue, while also being given an opportunity to talk with faculty and students to familiarize themselves with the PULSe Program.

The details of the 2024 PULSe Fall Open House are as follows:

Date: September 27, 2024
Time: 8:00 - 4:00 PM
Location: Morning: Burton Morgan | Afternoon: Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Parking Available in the Grant Street Parking Garage  or the Harrison Street Parking Garage (passes will be provided at check-in).                                       

Activities: Keynote will begin at 8:30, including academic and industry panels, current student poster session, lunch with faculty, students, and alumni, and tour of campus facilities.

Lunch will be provided.

RSVP: https://gradapply.purdue.edu/register/2024PULSeopenhouse

Questions: 765-496-1635 or pulse@purdue.edu

Funding Opportunities

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is offering the following grant opportunities to undergraduate students.  Please click on the opportunity link to learn more and to apply:

Undergraduate Research Supply Grant - These funds are open for use for purchasing research supply materials as well as traveling to conduct research if the facilities or materials are not available at the U of Iowa. For example, if a student needed to travel to the Field Museum in Chicago to study relevant collections at that facility, these funds would be applicable. Some activities that do not qualify for this funding are travel to conferences or presentations, field schools, internship travel, graduate or professional school interviews, computers, etc. 

Student Travel Awards - OUR offers one-time grants to UI undergraduate researchers who are traveling to a professional conference or professional development event. Students are able to request up to $500 per application, and will not be granted any more than $500 total across applications. OUR is unable to offer larger amounts or additional funds, and may only be able to offer a portion of the requested amount.  OUR Travel Awards are disbursed via U-Bill.

Assistance for Pursuing National Fellowships and Funding Opportunities

The Office of Scholar Development (OSD) assists University of Iowa undergraduates and alumni in their pursuit of national fellowship and funding opportunities.

What kinds of support does OSD offer?

If it is a part of an application process, OSD can help with it, including opportunity exploration, pre-writing exercises, essay development, application strategy, recommender support, draft review, and post-graduate planning.

What kinds of opportunities does the office support?

OSD manages the institutional nomination processes for the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill, Gaither Jr. Fellows, Goldwater, Truman, Udall, and Beinecke scholarships, but can provide guidance and support for many other fellowships and grants. Check out our website at https://scholardev.sites.uiowa.edu/ to find out more about university, national, and international funding sources or schedule an appointment at https://calendly.com/scholar-dev-uiowa

Introducing Connecting Science to Society (CSTS)!

Ever wondered how to make the intricacies of science more relatable, engaging, and understandable to the public?

Ever struggled explaining your research to family, friends, and neighbors?

Introducing Connecting Science to Society (CSTS) – your gateway to science communication at the University of Iowa! We are on a mission to bridge the gap between scientists, policy makers, and the public. As a proud member of the National Science Policy Network (NSPN), we serve as the official student chapter for the Central States region.

Here’s why you should join us:

  • Become a Sci-Comm Champion! With field-specific jargon often getting in the way, the need for effective science communication is more vital than ever. Join us and gain the confidence to share your findings and their broader implications without the jargon.
  • Dive into Diverse Platforms: From comic books on PCBs and stage plays (like our renowned “Toxic Relationships”), to poems on cell organelles, we believe in exploring every medium to make science less complicated.
  • Explore Career Opportunities: Ever thought about a career in science policy or science communication? We’re here to help you explore, learn, and hone the necessary skills for your dream career.
  • Engage & Advocate: Participate in workshops dedicated to science policy and advocacy. Plus, have a chance to contribute to SciPolBites in NSPN!
  • Be Part of an Inclusive Community: At CSTS, we pride ourselves on creating a space where every voice is valued. Engage with peers, the community, and policymakers, all while nurturing a shared passion for science.

Check out our official page for more information.

STEM scholarships & fellowships | PathwaysToScience.org

PathwaysToScience.org has over 65 portable scholarships and fellowships posted on their site. These include undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc level funding opportunities with an emphasis on increasing diversity in STEM.

Undergraduate scholarships and tips and resources for applying: https://pathwaystoscience.org/Undergrads.aspx

Graduate fellowships and resources for applying: https://pathwaystoscience.org/Grad.aspx

A quick video tutorial on using their advanced search functions to find funding opportunities can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxKsAGk8dAw&t=16s

Students who would like assistance in searching their database of funding opportunities can email Liv Detrick (ldetrick@ibparticipation.org) with your level of study, disciplinary interests, and any other relevant requirements.


Postings on this website are not necessarily endorsed by the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department or the University of Iowa. They are intended for the use of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Majors at the University of Iowa.